POLY - Playing chords

Jacqueline Butzinger's icon


Currently diving into poly~ and can't figure out why it wont play the two notes coming from coll. I saw in another thread, that one has to put an iter between the numbers coming out from coll and in poly, but it still doesn't seem to be working. Also i programmed a really clunky fix to keep the note from hanging on in the adsr forever.I just delayed the bang which sends the trigger. is there a more elegant way of doing this automatically ?

Thanks in advance.

Max Patch

TFL's icon

Maybe a [prepend note] just after your iter is all you need?

For later: you need to provide the poly~ patcher as well (sine-synth) if you want us to be able to properly open your example.

Source Audio's icon

if you use list with frequencies instead of notes,

you could use target message and pass the frequency

in case you want to link order of frequencies in the list to voice numbers.

Note message will pick next free voices.

swap target or note messages to see the difference.

but in first place set proper arguments for your poly~

voice stealing, etc etc.

are you only sending frequencies and let

envelope turn voice off ?

Like in example on first tab of poly~ help file.

have a look here :

Jacqueline Butzinger's icon

Thanks so much for the replies! Super helpful. And now it works with just passing frequencies.

I basically didnt understand that with poly you need to directly address the voices somehow when not sending a midinote like in the examples. Inside the patch i was using adsr~ to tell thispoly when a voice is busy or not. :)))

Roman Thilenius's icon

dealing with "target" (i.e. organizing polyphony from outside) is quite some work - but only once - and then for the rest of your life [poly~] does what you want.

you can build many useful things in that area based on [counter]