polyphonic midi generator

ericBARRYdrasin's icon


I have created a midi generator as a max4live object. I can currently get one note value out at a time. I am trying to use the live.grid object to output multiple notes at one time. I am trying to use poly~ to do this but I am not sure it is the right tool.

Any suggestions from folks that have built a tool like this before?

Thanks so much,


TFL's icon

No need to use poly~ here unless you do complex logic and want to simply your patch.
In your live.step, set matrixmode to 1 and then you can enable multiple notes for one step and they all output from the leftmost outlet.

And just for the small precision, you cannot send "multiple notes at one time". A chord is just to send multiple notes one one after the other very fast, but not all at once, that's not how MIDI works. That might help you to get the logic right more easily.

ericBARRYdrasin's icon

based on that idea, then sending the live.grid into a makenote should work? Thats what I've been doing but it can only handle one message out of live.grid at a time.

TFL's icon

You still need to split the notes list into individual messages, using [iter] for example.

Max Patch
Copy patch and select New From Clipboard in Max.