Resonance models CNMAT options?
I'd like to generate some resonance models for use in the res object by CNMAT.
As far as I'm aware the only way to do this is with Diphone Studio. Are there any free/cheaper alternatives?
It also seems that Diphone Studio no longer exists, so where does that leave us in the creation of resonance models?
SDIF is a wiiiide (and open) format and includes all kind of stuff; sinusoid models and spectral data is only two out of ten or so possibilities.
only via detours you can still find some of the old apps supporting it (in the sense of creatively abusing it for PCM audio, which it was not made for first in line)
diphone, supervp and audiosculpt are gone, the ones which are still available are spear, csound, matlab and some commandline utility.
for max/msp, i remember people using FTM objects to export such data (but i have no experience with it and i am not sure if there is actually an analysis and transforming algo for SDIF included.)
Thanks for the reply! Such a shame, this kinda gets in the way of me using it.
I don't necessarily need an SDIF. What I really need is a list of frequency, amp, decay rate triples of chosen audio file to send to the resonator object. Unfortunately I can't seem to find a way to get those triples. Only frequency and amp is possible. Anyone any bright ideas?
that decay time part is difficult, the rest can easily be done by pfft.
Try "sin-to-res" (part of the CNMAT Spectral Tutorials), using which you can assign decay rates for every frequency/amp pair.
Audiosculpt and SuperVP are available.
Thanks Luka. What version are you running? In the latest CNMAT release the "sin-to-res" object doesn't seem to exist?
I believe it is not included in the standard CNMAT Externals package.
Spectral Tutorials (which sin-to-res is part of) are part of the CNMAT MMJ Depot package:
Thanks for that!! Much appreciated.
While we’re on the topic, can anyone point me in the direction of any papers that discuss how decay rate is calculated?
The CNMAT example gives you the choice of equal, random range or decay from low to high. Does anyone know how it was done in Diphone/ResAn? Was it the same approach?
Not such a quick reply to your first question, Jay.
Posting for others in case it's useful.