rnbo issues with Pi 5 + jackd2 + HifiBerry ADC DAC Pro

Yash's icon


I followed the thread here to setup up my pi5 with the bullseye repo,

After installing this I set up my HifiBerry ADC+DAC Pro making the following changes to the config file,

# Enable HifiBerry DAC+ADC Pro
# Enable audio (loads snd_bcm2835)
# dtparam=audio=on

# Enable DRM VC4 V3D driver

Now rnbo recognizes my pi and the interface

But when i export the patch, i get the following error:

rnbo cmd response error: {"code":5,"message":"cannot activate audio"}

I followed another thread on this forum to get behind this error and it was suggested to check the json of jack/config here it is (the hifiberry is visible here)

{"FULL_PATH":"/rnbo/jack/config","DESCRIPTION":"Jack configuration parameters","CONTENTS":{"card":{"FULL_PATH":"/rnbo/jack/config/card","TYPE":"s","VALUE":"hw:sndrpihifiberry","RANGE":[{"VALS":["hw:0","hw:1","hw:Dummy","hw:sndrpihifiberry"]}],"ACCESS":3,"CLIPMODE":"both","DESCRIPTION":"ALSA device name"},"num_periods":{"FULL_PATH":"/rnbo/jack/config/num_periods","TYPE":"i","VALUE":2,"RANGE":[{"VALS":[2,3,4]}],"ACCESS":3,"CLIPMODE":"both","DESCRIPTION":"Number of periods of playback latency"},"period_frames":{"FULL_PATH":"/rnbo/jack/config/period_frames","TYPE":"i","VALUE":256,"RANGE":[{"VALS":[32,64,128,256,512,1024]}],"ACCESS":3,"CLIPMODE":"both","DESCRIPTION":"Frames per period"},"sample_rate":{"FULL_PATH":"/rnbo/jack/config/sample_rate","TYPE":"f","VALUE":48000.0,"RANGE":[{"MIN":22050.0}],"ACCESS":3,"CLIPMODE":"both","DESCRIPTION":"Sample rate"}}}

the rnbo patch I'm trying to export is the patch in rnbo.remote help.

I understand the official RNBO image for pi5 isn't out yet but any help or suggestions will be highly appreciated.

Thank you!

Alex Norman's icon