sadam.udpSender: No route to host. problem with IP 192.168. X.X XXXX

benjamin vyger's icon

Hi all,

Yesterday, I could send datas from Max/Msp to my all 10 devices ESP32 via a router

But today I have this error sadam.udpSender: No route to host

just a small test -> only locahost "works"

I'am on OS max Sequoia 15.1

I remove sadam libray and install it again.

I reset my router and set it again. But no changes.

It's very very rare that I have this problem. Usually I restart my computer and everything works. Could it be a network configuration problem in sequoia ?

Max Patch
Copy patch and select New From Clipboard in Max.

Source Audio's icon

Are ESP devices visible on the network ?

I would scan network first to verify they got connected

benjamin vyger's icon
Are ESP devices visible on the network ?

I don't really know how to do that from Max/Msp

But Esp32 are programmed to change the color of the led built in when they are well connected.

And they are all.

They are all connected to a router.

My computer is connected to this router too.

Usually I have never problem.

Is it possible that something has changed in my os setting ?

TFL's icon

Unless you explicitly set a static IP address for your ESP32 devices, there's a high chance their IP address is dynamic and can change from time to time. So maybe you simply aren't querying the correct IP address in your Max patch.

Simplest solution usually is to connect to your router web interface (usually accessible at, or check for the "router" or "DHCP server" ip address in your computer network config), from which you can get a list of all devices connected to it with their ip address. So you can see if your devices are actually connected to your network, and you can know their IP address.

Source Audio's icon

Everything is possible.

I don't know what means well connected.

too less infos.

router ?

wifi , ethernet , mixed ?

fixed IP ?

If both mac and esp devices are on same network

you can use arp -a or arp -a -i en0 or whatever interface is used

in terminal.

benjamin vyger's icon

I set static ip for esp32 devices.

I test only two, We can see they are well connected

I don't understand what is the first stuff with ip

when I send data from Max to ip 192.168.0. 8 with a local port 8008

when my Mac is connected to the router

when my Mac is connected to my internet box (with on other wifi network)

Here the the screen shot of the router access point

I don't understand why there are 3 clients, when there should only be 2.

Source Audio's icon

you are using range extender.

which can be configured in different ways.

that IP could be your extender itself.

Why are that 2 IPs blocked ?

benjamin vyger's icon

that IP could be your extender itself.

yes, I think so.

The symbols are reversed. red means ok, not blocked.

I restarted my computer and everything works. But I don't understand why.

Maybe because I changed networks several times (router, internet box)

Maybe because the temperature in my room is hoter than in a garage.

It is very weird

Source Audio's icon

"Maybe because I changed networks several times"

that would definitely cause problems.

Thomas's icon

Hi Benjamin,

since i use sequoia (M4) i meet a lot of network issue with MAX or Live

When it happens, i go in the osx preference system/security confidentiality/local network/

and i unchek then chek MAX and Live

after that it's ok i can speak on the network to my esp or raspberry

i don't understand why.

if it can help !
