scrolloffset(array,get) problem

crconover's icon

I'm trying to write a js object that will return the scroll offset of a patch when banged. It seems pretty straight forward to use the scrolloffset(array,get) method to return these values, but I am receiving an error: ReferenceError: get is not defined, line 8

I've looked in the reference and it was not entirely clear on this method.

Any help would be great. My code is listed below.
Thanks in advance,

inlets= 1;
outlets= 2;

p= this.patcher;
var offset;

function bang()
    p.scrolloffset(offset, get);

Luke Hall's icon

Scrolloffset is a property of the patcher object rather than a function. Try replacing the first line in your "bang" function with the line below and it shouldn't cause an error.


offset = this.patcher.scrolloffset;

crconover's icon

Thanks for your help, although it still is not outputting the scroll offset of the window... and I'm not sure why. Here is the current code. Any thoughts?


inlets= 1;
outlets= 2;

p= this.patcher;
var offset;

function bang()
    offset = this.patcher.scrolloffset;


crconover's icon

Hi Nicolas,

The scrolloffset is what we want, but it is currently not working. Apparently a lot of the JS stuff needs to be re-written and Cycling 74 hasn't gotten around to it. I alerted them of the problem so hopefully it will be fixed soon.

I too am waiting on these fixes to finish up a program I've been working on it.


11OLSEN's icon

it still doesn't work ):

juan's icon

I'm on Max6.0.7 and I'm also getting 0 and 1 on the scrollbaroffset property. It seems to be broken still. Anybody found a workaround to get scroll position on a patcher (or bpatcher)?

lasmiveni's icon

My problem was the opposite,
I found this solution, accessing to the wind properties:

inlets = 1;

function bang()
this.patcher.wind.scrollto (X, Y);

Oni Shogun's icon

Over a decade on and the property is still bogus ^^

// always returns 0

I have tried all manner of other properties and name variations perhaps under the hood, though to no avail.

¿¿¿ Chances of implementation ???