Separator for textedit
I'm trying to implement some kind of scripting language and would like to have textedits separator as the
typical ";". But it says bad argument... Have I to escape the character or something?
Thanks in advice.
You have to use a backslash in front of the semicolon. \;
No, what I mean is a output separator, there "\;" doesn't work...
Anyone here to answer to the question, please ?
question was answered 10 years ago.
semicolon has special meaning in max.
textedit needs no extras to output newlines
You might want to check out some of what I have done with Scheme for Max (integrated Scheme scripting in Max). If you want to be able to build scripts in Max messages, as one can with S4M, a lisp-family syntax works very well because the fundamental units of syntax have no special meaning to Max (spaces and parens). Both commas and semi-colons do have special meaning in Max, and messages boxes do not respect line breaking. However, they happily accept space separated s-expression syntax and you can even build expressions with $ sign interpolation as the $ doesn't mean anything special to Lisps.
Videos on Scheme for Max here: