Share a Beap Patch

Mark Durham's icon

So great that everyone will have Beap now. I thought we could celebrate by sharing some creations? Here is a noisy little treat I've cooked up, just follow the instructions in the patch to get it working properly... Hopefully all the settings are saved with the patch. The image shows what it should look like.

Mark Durham's icon

Arrrgh, patch is too big. Get it here.

Frans-Jan Wind's icon

Thank you for this first good impression of BEAP. I'm getting more fond of this update every minute.

Wetterberg's icon

Alright, here's something "straight".

Max Patch
Wetterberg's icon

(oh, it's got a presentation mode!!!!)

Mark Durham's icon

Nice.. I like that Diode Ladder sound. Some really good squelchiness to be had.

estevancarlos's icon

Yeah, I remember trying to encourage Live users to look into Beap a while ago. I saw it as a nice introduction to Max. I'm really hoping the Beap package really encourages developers to take this modular approach. We have tons of great, feature-rich, max patches but hopefully we'll have more versatile, visually organized, modular patches in the spirit of Beap.

Makrotulpa's icon

That's a lovely patch Mark. So far I've been using MIDI IN + CC to Signal to control CV enabled modules but i'm wondering is there a way to MIDI Learn knobs with Max and BEAP?

Wetterberg's icon

I don't personally think they're a good introduction to Max. I think they're a good intro to modular synthesis, though, and they're actually useful in a modular synthesis environment. Personally I use it for rapid prototyping, and whenever I'm feeling...lazy about an msp aspect of a patch.

OH, and I just discovered that there's a proper midi-in, midi-out arpeggiator in there, which I'm totally stealing.

@killer: the BEAP bpatchers are all exposed to pattr, so you can relatively quickly set up a control scheme central in a patch.

Makrotulpa's icon

@killer: the BEAP bpatchers are all exposed to pattr, so you can relatively quickly set up a control scheme central in a patch.

OK - so I send a pattr message with the appropriate object? Say for example the LFO you have used in flerg.maxpat - how would I control the Freq knob when there is no input to that module?

Frans-Jan Wind's icon

@killer. Included a small example to control the pulse with in a oscillator through pattrstorage presets.

Max Patch
Wetterberg's icon

What you can do is grep the scripting names using pattrstorage. That's what I normally do, it gives you a nice long list.

Then do pattr @bindto.

Here's an example, however inane. Hope it's helpful. You can do much crazier things with pattrstorage, though. It's brilliant.

Max Patch
Frans-Jan Wind's icon

Keep in mind that you can also store single values [store bp.Oscillator::PW 1], handy when you don't want to overwrite other knobs

Makrotulpa's icon

Ahhh OK! Very nice!

Mark Durham's icon

What I want to do is save presets for both the Max UI objects and the Beap parameters within the patch (ie no seperate json file). I thought that was possible, but maybe I'm wrong?

Max Patch
Copy patch and select New From Clipboard in Max.

Here is an example:

Wetterberg's icon

yeah, speaking directly to pattrstorage is much more elegant for this type of thing, where all your control will essentially be coming in at the same location.

Peter McCulloch's icon

MIDI mapping is something I'm interested in developing for BEAP. I have an implementation in my newest version of the EML-200 (not publicly available yet) that works fairly well using pattrstorage. Doing this in BEAP is going to take some time, though, because it's the type of thing you'd presumably like to store and recall as well. I have it doing that via files, but you'd probably want it integrated with the snapshot system, since that seems to be where this type of thing is going.

The "rawfloat" message is a very handy one to know for live objects, since it will cover whatever their range is and obey their exponential scalings. (e.g. midi cc value/127. -> raw float $1 -> live.gain~)

@Mark: you need to specify savemode for pattrstorage. It defaults to savemode 0 which doesn't ask you to save the file. Check the help file to find the one that meets your needs.

Mark Durham's icon

Thanks for the replies. I strangely can't seem to get savemode 0 working as I expect it to (without a file). I think I need to go back to the tutorials on that.

@Peter I'd be interested in what you go with in for your synth

For anyone after more Beap patches I did a little FM thing with lots of modulation here:

Peter McCulloch's icon

Try savemode 2. My recollection is that saves the preset automatically when you save the file (presuming it can find the preset file in the search path, otherwise it prompts). For me, I find this to be the most expected behavior.

Peter McCulloch's icon

@Mark cool sounds, btw!

Ernest's icon

So far I have two new BEAP modules, both are in this download

This kind of opens the door to putting lots of jitter things in bEAP too. I hope to have a glitch movie by the summer )

Roberto Aramburu's icon

What if I wanted to automate just one parameter using an oscillator or a message with a float, is it possible? I'm fiddling with a granular module and I can't seem to make it work.

Mark Durham's icon

Definitely possible. An ugly but effective way is just to add an inlet and connect to it up. Just be careful not to save over the original patch.

Which parameter do you want to get to on the Granular osc?