Showing objects' inlets and outlets on lock

santamorphic's icon

Hi -

When a patcher is locked, some objects hide their inlets and outlets.

Is there a way to force objects to continue to show inlets and outlets even when the patcher is locked?


Noise Wrangler's icon


I think the outlets disappear only when you're in presentation mode and you can't see the patch cords. When you lock the patch, you just can't access to the information bubbles. Do you have a specific example?


santamorphic's icon

Hi JP,

thanks for the reply.

If I command click in the white space in the patcher to lock the patch all the inlet and outlet graphics on standard message boxes are hidden. Also for the non-standard Bach library, on command click all the inlet and outlet graphics of the Bach.roll boxes are hidden.

The reason why I’d like this is so that I can capture clean screen grabs with inlets and outlet graphics visible (like on standard non-message boxes) but without all the other graphics that get hidden (e.g. the boxes around comments) when locking a patch.


santamorphic's icon
Unlocked - inlets and outlets visible
Locked - inlets and outlets not visible

Here are some screen grabs to illustrate.