Spout Package update

Rob Ramirez's icon

Hey everyone, just a heads up that the Spout package in the Package Manager has been updated (v 2.0.72).

This update fixes several crashes with the spout objects, as well as add support for sending and receiving floating point textures.

please let me know here if you have any issues.

Spa's icon

does not seem possible to download it in Max 7.3.5 ...
it shows 2.0.6

by the way, it will be great to have, jit.ndi.send and jit.ndi.receive , native objects in Max...


Rob Ramirez's icon

ah yes, max 7. I'll have to investigate a bit to see if this update will work with max 7. if so i'll update the package.

billyanok's icon

+1 for NDI native!

Spa's icon

thanks Rob.
So finally, you're 'kind of' starting to support external objects with spout;

Julien-Robert's icon

Do you have news about Spout for Max 7.3.5? It doesn't work with my Radeon RX 580. But working with NVIDIA GTX cards.

But it works on Max 8 on GL3, which doesn't support Lua so I need Max 7!

Rob Ramirez's icon

hi Julien-Robert,

I've attached here an update to Spout that should be compatible with Max 7. Please give it a try and let me know if it works for you. If all is good I'll add it to the Package Manager.

This is just for Max 7. Max 8 users should continue to use the latest version in the PM.

application/x-zip-compressed 218.66 KB

Julien-Robert's icon

I think it still doesn't work. I uninstalled the package and I put the externals and help fils into resources folder.

Rob Ramirez's icon

sorry should've been more explicit. simply delete the old Spout package (or uninstall as you've done), then unzip this one and place it in your C:\Users\your_user_name\Documents\Max 7\Packages folder
Then restart.

i would undo any copying into the max 7 application folder that you've done.

Julien-Robert's icon

It still doesn't work. But I managed to do the Lua script another way so I'm good now with GL3. Thanks.