Switch Case Statement for input matching

KRAWALI's icon


I'm still getting acquainted with creating Logic through signal flow in Max. I have the following scenario:

I am using a patcher with three different inlets. Depending on what the logical combination of these three inlets is, I'd like to send out a different message to the outlet of the patcher. What is least congested way of achieving this? I've been using a wild combination of "gate", "select" and "&&" objects but I always end up forgetting a scenario and I feel like having a completely separate signal path for each scenario is inefficient.

Is there a better way?

Wil's icon

maybe matrix~ .

Max Patch
Copy patch and select New From Clipboard in Max.

KRAWALI's icon

Looks cool, will test it out!


KRAWALI's icon

I actually ended up solving this by using javascript, since that was easier for me to wrap my head around. It works as intended now. However, just curious if someone would be up to look at the logic in my js object and let me know how I could have potentially achieved this with Max devices. Would appreciate that :))

// Define the number of inlets and outlets
inlets = 4;  // 4 inlets: play, selector, range, loop
outlets = 4; // 4 outlets: 3 floats, 1 string

// Variables to store input values
var play = 0;
var selector = 0;
var range = 0;
var loop = 0;

var green = "Success Text";
var gray = "Device Background";
var red = "Automation";
var yellow = "Control On";

// Function to handle input
function msg_int(val) {
    // Determine which inlet received the value
    switch (inlet) {
        case 0:
            play = val;
        case 1:
            selector = val;
        case 2:
            range = val;
        case 3:
            loop = val;

    // Process inputs and send outputs

// Function to process inputs and generate outputs
function processInputs() {
    var output1, output2, output3, output4;

    // If play is 0, default to these values
    if (play == 0) {
        output1 = 1.0;
        output2 = 0.0;
        output3 = 0.0;
        output4 = gray;
    } else {
        // Check selector value
        switch (selector) {
            case 0: // NONE
                output1 = 1.0;
                output2 = 0.0;
                output3 = 0.0;
                output4 = green;
                break; // Break to prevent fall-through

            case 1: // STOP
                output1 = 0.0;
                output2 = 0.0;
                output3 = 1.0;
                output4 = red;

            case 2: // LOOP
                if (range == 0) {
                    output1 = 1.0;
                    output2 = 0.0;
                    output3 = 0.0;
                    output4 = green;
                } else {
                    if (loop == 1) {
                        output1 = 0.0;
                        output2 = 1.0;
                        output3 = 0.0;
                        output4 = yellow;
                    } else {
                        output1 = 0.0;
                        output2 = 1.0;
                        output3 = 0.0;
                        output4 = gray;

                // Fallback in case the selector has an unexpected value
                output1 = 0.0;
                output2 = 0.0;
                output3 = 0.0;
                output4 = gray;

    // Send outputs
    outlet(0, output1);  // First float output
    outlet(1, output2);  // Second float output
    outlet(2, output3);  // Third float output
    outlet(3, output4);  // String output (color description)
TFL's icon

I would do something like this:

Max Patch
Copy patch and select New From Clipboard in Max.

Basically all inputs are first stored into a [i], and then the cascade is triggered by checking the value of each input with [sel], starting by play.

It's worth noticing that play 1 && selector 0 gives the same 1 0 0 green output as play 1 && selector 2 && range 0.

Roman Thilenius's icon

if the inputs are bools (0 or 1) and the output should be a single int for each possible combination, that would be indentical to a binary to decimal number conversion.

however, for only 3 "digits" it should be fine to hardcode that using logic/select/i.

or what about a compromise between these two worlds? :)

arithmetics is often easier to understand than logic gates - and you want a value output anyway
for up to 8 you can do it with a single object...

Source Audio's icon

input 2 has range 0 - 2.

can't make a 4bit binary out of it ...

I would simply stuff coll with messages,

and use requested combinations of that 4

inputs to recall them.