aka.wiiremote - Connect without pressing connect?

Andy's icon


7月 26 2007 | 12:16 午後


Has anybody attempted to make a patch that deoes not require the connect button to be pressed in order to connect a wii remote?

I'm currently making a patch where the user will be stood approx 100 meters away from the controlling computer and so it is not practical to need mouse control to press connect (the laucnh of the application is done manualy by an operator - who will have no contact with the user).

I have already tried analysing the connect state and sending a connect message to aka.wiiremote if it is not connected but it seems to cause crashes.

Essentially what I am after is for the synchronisedrmote to be connected upon launch as is the case with an actual nintendo wii console.

Has anybody done this?



Olaf Matthes's icon

Olaf Matthes

7月 26 2007 | 12:25 午後

Andy Brennan wrote:
> Hi,
> Has anybody attempted to make a patch that deoes not require the connect button to be pressed in order to connect a wii remote?
> I'm currently making a patch where the user will be stood approx 100 meters away from the controlling computer and so it is not practical to need mouse control to press connect (the laucnh of the application is done manualy by an operator - who will have no contact with the user).
> I have already tried analysing the connect state and sending a connect message to aka.wiiremote if it is not connected but it seems to cause crashes.
> Essentially what I am after is for the synchronisedrmote to be connected upon launch as is the case with an actual nintendo wii console.
> Has anybody done this?

I tried to, writing a new external using the WiiRemote framework that
has been split from Darwiinremote. It seems frequent disconnects and
connects crash sooner or later. I noticed the Darwiinremote does not
have a disconnect function, so maybe it's just not really implemented in
the code and thus probably also buggy in the aka.wiiremote code. But I
didn't have a look at his code, I'm just guessing from my experience
with the framework.


David Beaudry's icon

David Beaudry

7月 26 2007 | 2:48 午後

Hi Andy,
You might have another problem here, too. 100 meters is well beyond
the bluetooth limit, which in theory is 10 meters. It may work fine
if there are no obstacles, walls, the moon is in the right phase,
it's Tuesday, but 100 meters is really pushing it. Have you done a
test for this? Just wanted to raise the warning flag just in case.

As far as your patch is concerned, you could have the patch send
repeated bangs to the connect message (to the aka.wiimote object)
until a "connected" message comes out the status outlet. I don't have
a wiimote with me at the moment, so can't test for sure (nor am
positive what message comes out the status outlet when a connection
is made).


On Jul 26, 2007, at 5:16 AM, Andy Brennan wrote:

> Hi,
> Has anybody attempted to make a patch that deoes not require the
> connect button to be pressed in order to connect a wii remote?
> I'm currently making a patch where the user will be stood approx
> 100 meters away from the controlling computer and so it is not
> practical to need mouse control to press connect (the laucnh of the
> application is done manualy by an operator - who will have no
> contact with the user).
> I have already tried analysing the connect state and sending a
> connect message to aka.wiiremote if it is not connected but it
> seems to cause crashes.
> Essentially what I am after is for the synchronisedrmote to be
> connected upon launch as is the case with an actual nintendo wii
> console.
> Has anybody done this?
> Cheers
> Andy

Andy's icon


7月 26 2007 | 2:56 午後

I have a class A bluetooth dongle which 'claims' to reach 100 meters. And besides that I have access to USB points within the playing area that I can insert dongles into. i.e distance shouldn't be an issue for me.

The idea with the repeated bangs is essentially what I have tried - when the wii remote isn't connected. Interestingly, if I perform a manual bang on the connect message the patch doesn't crash, but if I were to use a metronome set to bang every 5000 ms to pass the message through it crashes every time.


David Beaudry's icon

David Beaudry

7月 26 2007 | 3:22 午後

What version of the aka.wiimote object are you using? I'm still using
b4 since it worked perfectly for a project I was working at the time.
For me it was super stable. Only downside was no nunchuck support and
maybe a few other missing bells and whistles. Sending repeated bangs
to the connect message doesn't cause any problems for me with this
version (on an Intel Mac, btw). Let me know if you want to try out
the older version and I'll pass it along.


On Jul 26, 2007, at 7:56 AM, Andy Brennan wrote:

> I have a class A bluetooth dongle which 'claims' to reach 100
> meters. And besides that I have access to USB points within the
> playing area that I can insert dongles into. i.e distance shouldn't
> be an issue for me.
> The idea with the repeated bangs is essentially what I have tried -
> when the wii remote isn't connected. Interestingly, if I perform a
> manual bang on the connect message the patch doesn't crash, but if
> I were to use a metronome set to bang every 5000 ms to pass the
> message through it crashes every time.
> Andy

David Beaudry's icon

David Beaudry

7月 26 2007 | 3:33 午後

Actually now that I have actually connected a metro to the connect
message (verses clicking on it many many times in a row), I too get a
crash. But if I use qmetro I don't.


On Jul 26, 2007, at 8:22 AM, David Beaudry wrote:

> What version of the aka.wiimote object are you using? I'm still
> using b4 since it worked perfectly for a project I was working at
> the time. For me it was super stable. Only downside was no nunchuck
> support and maybe a few other missing bells and whistles. Sending
> repeated bangs to the connect message doesn't cause any problems
> for me with this version (on an Intel Mac, btw). Let me know if you
> want to try out the older version and I'll pass it along.
> Best,
> David
> On Jul 26, 2007, at 7:56 AM, Andy Brennan wrote:
>> I have a class A bluetooth dongle which 'claims' to reach 100
>> meters. And besides that I have access to USB points within the
>> playing area that I can insert dongles into. i.e distance
>> shouldn't be an issue for me.
>> The idea with the repeated bangs is essentially what I have tried
>> - when the wii remote isn't connected. Interestingly, if I perform
>> a manual bang on the connect message the patch doesn't crash, but
>> if I were to use a metronome set to bang every 5000 ms to pass the
>> message through it crashes every time.
>> Andy