degrade~ - build your won

frank desben's icon

Hi all,
is there a patch floating around that does, what degrade~ does, but as a open patch?

Thanks all,

Rodrigo's icon

There's a gen-based one in the Max6 examples folder.

One trick that I learned about on the forum for getting fractional bit reduction (ie 7bits) is multiplying a signal, then trunc~, then dividing by the same amount. You get the bit crushed thing, but smoothly variable. Very handy.

I'm on my iPad but ill try to post an example patch of that later when I get home.

Rodrigo's icon
Max Patch
Copy patch and select New From Clipboard in Max.

Here's the lofi module I use. It has sample reduction (just using degrade) but the bitcrush stuff is done outside of that (two flavors of it) and there's some bitwise stuff in there too.

woyteg's icon

What a fun little patch! Great!

Rodrigo's icon

The full version I use has an mp3-ification effect too, but that's outside the scope of degrade~ so I didn't include it.

The larger patch that it comes from is here (free to download/edit/share):

frank desben's icon

Thanks all for your help,
that's great.
Best Frank

Guillaume Bertrand's icon

Hey, I made a Max For Live device from this great bit crushing example. I just wanted to say a BIG thanks to you, Rodrigo. Awesome patch !

Rodrigo's icon

Ah cool. The bits were largely cobbled together from other sources (with that specific bit reduction method being something I saw from Alex Harker).