Max/MSP and Logic pro

dimitris108's icon

Does anybody use Max/Msp with Logic pro?

Pierre Alexandre Tremblay's icon
dimitris108's icon

What do you mean by that?

Pierre Alexandre Tremblay's icon

It was a joke.

I mean that those 2 tools are so broad that you could do anything
from pop producing to acousmatic art, from folley to jingles.

I do all of that with those two tools, with the friendly Pluggo and
Soundflower linking tools when I do not bounce down my process.

So my affirmation was probably: yes, many of us, for very different

Followed by a question: what do you want to do with it? What do you
want to know if it is possible?

Sorry for my Saturday morning dry humour


dimitris108's icon

If you go to my website you going to see that I have many tools as everybody I assume.
But with max/msp and rewire is there any particular patch that you work that is useful?

And of course I am talking about electroacoustic microtonal music e.t.c.


Mitch Turner's icon

I use Max/MSP and LogicPro. I have written some tutorials to show how these two programs can be used together.

Here is my site. Look under the "logic help files" link

You can email me if you have any questions about using these programs together.

mmturner (AT) mindspring (dot) com

Iraklis's icon

Ela Dimitri -
I have used max and Logic to bring many tracks of audio from Logic to a
more customized spatialization patch in Max. This however was done by
physicaly patching outputs to other inputs of a motu 24I/O going as
inputs to Max. Alternatively you can now use the Soundflower driver from
C74 to do that internally. I have not used rewire for max/logic
communication but would be very interested to do so and would appreciate
feedback from people who have.

Ciao mitsara,


-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of Dimitris Lambrianos
Sent: Saturday, October 07, 2006 3:40 AM
Subject: [maxmsp] Max/MSP and Logic pro

Does anybody use Max/Msp with Logic pro?
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dimitris108's icon

Thank you guys,
I went to your website I downloaded, I will go through that in details.

Irakli ti kanis call me I lost your number.

Mattijs's icon

I have several bad experiences with rewire between max and logic.

1) everytime I startup max and logic and enable audio I get clickery output, I have to switch to built-in audio and back every time, then it works
2) I had several random crashes after which the crashreport tells me the rewire thread crashed
3) after I installed Live all my logic songs were corrupt. Returns were suddenly assigned to live rewire inputs instead of the max inputs

I switched to soundflower + soundflowerbed recently and that works much better. Only strange thing is that after some time the audio latency seems to get bigger and bigger until I go to soundflowerbed and set the buffer size to 64 (which was already the case). Audio does a click and latency is back to 'none' again. I have to repeat this every hour or so.

dimitris108's icon

Hi guys,

It seems that the rewire is not working properly at this moment.
And I think I have to switch to soundflower.

Let's see

Pierre Alexandre Tremblay's icon

> And I think I have to switch to soundflower.

Soundflower is way more powerful, allowing bidirectional sound
communication. But beware, you can create serious feedbacks !


Mitch Turner's icon

I also use soundflower. I used the Audio Midi Setup utilty to create and Aggregate Device. This Aggregate Device uses Built-in as channels 1-2 and Soundflower (2Ch) as Channels 3-4.

Then to send audio from Logic to Max, I do this:

1) I select my Aggregate Device in Logic's Audio Drivers Preference.

2) set an audio track's output to 3-4 (which is soundflower)

3) Then in Max, I select my Aggregate device as the Audio Driver

4) and Soundflower as the input device

In this way, things sent to Channels 3-4 in Logic are received in Max via the Mic icon (adc).

Make sure that your buffers are all set to the same value, in Max, Logic and Soundflower

Hope this is helpful,

magellan's icon

Mitch, you're a god send.
Thanks for all of your work, including you're site.

in my case)
i was having radom eternal "BUzzzzzzzzzzz" noise when using
Soundflowerbed to monitor.
Thanks to your method "Creating Aaggregate Device",
it's working like a charm.
Thank you so much for always helping us out.

It is because of you.
Thank you.

magellan from Japan

Quote: Mitch Turner wrote on Fri, 13 October 2006 03:22
> I also use soundflower. I used the Audio Midi Setup utilty to create and Aggregate Device. This Aggregate Device uses Built-in as channels 1-2 and Soundflower (2Ch) as Channels 3-4.
> Then to send audio from Logic to Max, I do this:
> 1) I select my Aggregate Device in Logic's Audio Drivers Preference.
> 2) set an audio track's output to 3-4 (which is soundflower)
> 3) Then in Max, I select my Aggregate device as the Audio Driver
> 4) and Soundflower as the input device
> In this way, things sent to Channels 3-4 in Logic are received in Max via the Mic icon (adc).
> Make sure that your buffers are all set to the same value, in Max, Logic and Soundflower
> Hope this is helpful,
> Mitch

Mattijs's icon

Hi Mitch,

I was wondering, is there a reason for you not to use soundflowerbed? It seems to me that it should provide the same functionality as the aggregate device (which I didn't try yet but sounds interesting enough).

I didn't experience the buzz magellan speaks about. I do experience a latency that increases over time(!), don't know whether it is soundflower or soundflowerbed that causes this but it is one more reason to try the aggregate device approach.


magellan's icon

If the aggregate device method doesn't create that latency,
plz let us know.

cheers and good luck

Quote: wrote on Sat, 28 October 2006 19:58
> Hi Mitch,
> I was wondering, is there a reason for you not to use soundflowerbed? It seems to me that it should provide the same functionality as the aggregate device (which I didn't try yet but sounds interesting enough).
> I didn't experience the buzz magellan speaks about. I do experience a latency that increases over time(!), don't know whether it is soundflower or soundflowerbed that causes this but it is one more reason to try the aggregate device approach.
> Greets,
> Mattijs

Mitch Turner's icon

Thanks so much for the high compliment. Glad the Aggregate Device approach worked out for you.

Mitch Turner's icon

I guess I do use SoundFlower Bed. I set the SR there. Maybe I just don't know enough about working with Soundflower Bed. I'll definitely go back and look at it again.

Mitch Turner's icon

Sometimes there is an unexplained latency that occurs when I use my Aggregate Device. I do not know what leds to it.

To get rid of it, I have to close LOGIC and close Max. Then reopen them.

Not really a soloution. More of a work around really.

magellan's icon

You are very welcome Mitch.
You really deserve to be highly complemented.
This aggregate device method is like a dream come true to many computer musicians.
Thank you so much Mitch.

Mitch, may I ask you one thing ?
I would like to know if this is a bug or something.

In Logic7 (sorry maxers), whenever I press "apple"+"return" while playing an audio objects, suddenly all the sound dissapears.
This also happens with the "apple"+"=", too.
I cannot even play AU-instruments, too.
Sounds from all of the tracks just dissapeared.
(I cannot even see the meters pumping the audio)
My only option is, as you mentioned, to reboot Logic.

Do u have this, too ?
I am using the aggregate device for the driver.
Haven't tried it with the built-in-only-driver yet. (will do)

I'm still on Logic 7.1.3.
If this is not on 7.2, I might consider paying $60 to upgrade.

and thank you so much for you help and ideas.


Quote: Mitch Turner wrote on Mon, 30 October 2006 07:15
> megellan,
> Sometimes there is an unexplained latency that occurs when I use my Aggregate Device. I do not know what leds to it.
> To get rid of it, I have to close LOGIC and close Max. Then reopen them.
> Not really a soloution. More of a work around really.
> Mitch

Mitch Turner's icon

Quote: magellan wrote on Sun, 29 October 2006 15:49
> In Logic7 (sorry maxers), whenever I press "apple"+"return" while playing an audio objects, suddenly all the sound dissapears.

On my LOGIC set up, "apple Return" is a key command for create (see under the Track menu in the arrange). On my set up it creates a new track (but not a new audio object).

> This also happens with the "apple"+"=", too.

This Key Command is not set on my system. It must be on yours. To find out, go to the main menu
Logic Pro>Preferences>Key Commands
See if apple+ is set as a Key Command. I have found that I must stop playback to do certain changes to an audio track. If I try to copy and paste audio regions while playing back, the track acts as you suggest.

You might want to check out these Logic Forums to get more information.

And there are many others,

magellan's icon

cheers mitch.

And thank you for the urls.
I really appreciate it.
Will check it.

I have reinstalled my whole OSX and so far
Nothing going suddenly BUZZZZ.

Before the reintall, the transpose window(?) was constatly flashing MIDI between 127 and 0.
That is gone, too.
Everything seems to be working fine. Glad I did that reinstall.

Now that I can concentrate,
And thanks to you,
I can enjoy your "Aggregate" method.

I can even record 8tr simultaneously with 256 buffer size using MaxMSP+Logic+Aggregate Method(interface+soundflower16ch=34ch!)

Thank you so much.

Mitch Turner's icon

do you have any of your music on the web, I'd like to hear some.

Mattijs's icon

Quote: magellan wrote on Sat, 28 October 2006 14:47
> If the aggregate device method doesn't create that latency,
> plz let us know.
> cheers and good luck

Ok, I finally found time to update our system with the aggregate device appraoch. It works! No more latency! No more soundflowerbed!


redhexagonal's icon

ive given up using logic. too many problems with synching, rewire, and expensive upgrades...

Mattijs's icon

Quote: bin wrote on Tue, 14 November 2006 16:25
> ive given up using logic. too many problems with synching, rewire, and expensive upgrades...

I can't blame you. So much bugs, no support.