Anyone have this object to share with me?
Roth Micheals' web site is on hald at the moment and this particular object seems like the one I need right now.
Thanks Matthieu for providing a link.
I'm sorry to you and anyone else who was looking for that object. When I took my site down it was supposed to only be for a week while I updated the backend, but life got in the way. Since most of the content was old, I left it down forgetting that my Max objects are not linked elsewhere. I'll hopefully have the site back up this week and next week I'm planning to release a slightly updated version of rm.slice
Roth, did you ever get your site up again, or stick your objects somewhere else? They look very useful. Thanks!
Anyone got a copy of this still?
don't know about Roth' website, but afaik his object is modelled after the original [slice] object by Nao Tokui. You can find a 64-bit version of it here:
you might also want to try [vb.aubio~], which is a wrapper around 'aubio lib' by Paul Brossier.
it offers several methods for transient detection with much deeper control.