windows 7 install error
I ran the installer for Max 5 on W7 Home Premium 32-bit and it didn't quite finish, with the green bar not reaching the end. I got a warning dialog box
The current Microsoft Windows version does not support this operation. ocurred in .CopyInf.cpp at line number:383 Other Error:10 Internal Operation :200
Yes, "ocurred" was mispelled like that.
I tried to "repair" installation with the Max5 installer, got the same error. BTW, the Max 5.08 Setup dialog spells "repairs" as "repaires."
After restart, I tried to run Max5 in Demo, and it started up. Instantiating, I get in the Max window:
• warning: Jitter things QT 7 is installed, but cannot load some • QT 7 functions
• spigot~ and other QT7 specific Jitter features will be disabled.
• check /WINDOWS/system32 for an out of date qtmlclient.dll, or try reinstalling QT.
I have QT 7.45 installed, though, from I didn't want to install 7.6, given that it doesn't work on XP or Vista w/ Max.
Under a spell,
oh, forgot to mention that I did reinstall QT 7.45 and restarted, and it didn't give me that message again, and spigot seems to function in the help file.
Just trying to document some W7 issues for future installers!
pnyboer wrote on Mon, 16 November 2009 15:29"Error
The current Microsoft Windows version does not support this operation. ocurred in .CopyInf.cpp at line number:383 Other Error:10 Internal Operation :200
Yes, I saw this error as well when trying to install MaxMSP 5.08 on Win7 (32). There is no such an error when installing MaxMSP 5.1 beta, so it seems it is already fixed.
I was just installing Max/MSP 5.1.0 and getting the error message towards the end of install saying:
The driver package is not signed. ocureed in .CopyInf.cpp at line number:397 Other Error:-2146762496 Internal Operation :200
I'm on Windows XP SP3.
With the latest download, I too get "The driver package is not signed. ocureed in .CopyInf.cpp at line number:397 Other Error:-2146762496 Internal Operation :200" when installing on Windows XP.
Ahh, yes - updating Quicktime solved it :)
Hmmm...I've tried with the QT 7.4.5 installed as well as the most recent release from Apple (QT 7.6.5). I'm still getting the same error message. Any ideas anyone?
@ win7 users:
try "run as administrator" (right click on setup.exe)
(quicktime shouldnt be the problem in this case... qt is a problem when max crashes everytime you try to create jit.* object..)
tell me if
this worked or not... i cant edit my posts anymore?
I have the same problem with MaxMSP 5.1
I am on WindowsXP SP2.
I have just installed Quicktime 7.65 but it doesn't solve the problem.
I don't know if it is relevant but it may have to do with DEP (data execution prevention) in win7.
found a solution (worked for me) in the digidesign website: