Using Max as an Archival Tool

George Ridgway's icon

George Ridgway

11月 03 2020 | 3:06 午後

Hey all,
Not sure if this will be possible, I a relative beginner to max. But I am wondering if it can be used as a tool to extract various information from an archive. By this I mean, to be able to search through an existing archive I am creating (it will be based online) of audio clips, videos, recordings, as well as text docs, pdfs, jpegs so that they could be brought up together and for instance, you could play an audio clip, whilst having open a pdf doc. I don't know if max has capacity to do this?

Any help would be great

👽'tW∆s ∆lienz👽's icon

👽'tW∆s ∆lienz👽

11月 03 2020 | 3:28 午後

yes, you can use the 'jweb' object for this to access the archived info. if it's online somewhere(you might also find 'node.script' helpful for NodeJS processes if you need to run server side code - i tried this in tandem with 'jweb' to display NASA's astronomy pic of the day while experimenting with it once, found it's pretty powerful).

George Ridgway's icon

George Ridgway

11月 03 2020 | 3:39 午後

Oh wow great thanks very much!
So basically it would be used as an interface, and then you could adapt this and i.e. add patches if you wanted for instance the audio to be manipulated etc.

Were you able to open jweb the images in the standard max program interface?

👽'tW∆s ∆lienz👽's icon

👽'tW∆s ∆lienz👽

11月 03 2020 | 5:12 午後

on second thought, the audio clip portion itself might be tricky, i wasn't able to do that myself, but 'jweb' can be used to view pdfs and most other forms of media available on the web, for example, the patch i made seems to display a youtube video today(there's no sound on the original video there today, but sound on youtube vids does work, see below),
here's the patch(you might need to click the 'install' message first, then close out the patch and restart if it doesn't work as commented):
application/zip 5.02 KB
Nasa Pic Of The Day

...'jweb' does seem to work with soundcloud, so there are probably many ways to at least listen to sound, not sure about how to download files for manipulation, though:

Max Patch
Copy patch and select New From Clipboard in Max.

(and ya, ☝️the soundcloud links all work playing sound right there in the max patch, and also when i try clicking on youtube links(from the description section of the "AllDistortionIsIntended" song there), it also plays the youtube video right there in the max patch along with the sound... the vimeo version seems to load up, but then stalls on playing... downloading files from soundcloud doesn't seem to work.... so you'll have to try it out to see which forms of interaction/download are available... you might be able to work some NodeJS to help download files somehow, i'm not an expert in the JS stuff unfortunately ...i think in another thread somewhere i saw, though, people are working on similar things... here it is: )

basically, if you need Max to be the interface to 'view' your online archive it will probably be simple, but to download/upload might be trickier(and routing sound from 'jweb' through Max objects is not possible yet as far as I know, even though it plays sound right there in the Max patch via soundcloud or youtube)

George Ridgway's icon

George Ridgway

11月 05 2020 | 12:31 午後

Ok Thanks for all this, I briefly tried the Soundcloud patch with where I'm storing my material and it all works as a webpage interface, so that great. Having some problems bringing up / displaying pdfs into the window also, need to spend some time figuring this out,
Shame routing from jweb isn't not possible, really wanted to do this!

George Ridgway's icon

George Ridgway

2月 05 2021 | 2:22 午後

Hi Just wondering - Does your version of this patch still work - now its not loading the webpage for some reason? thanks