Vizzie playr crashes program or does nothing when loading files from certain folders

David Krebs's icon

David Krebs

2月 16 2021 | 8:05 午前

Hi all,

I have a patcher with only a Vizzie [playr] in it. I have a 4-second video clip. When I drag-and-drop that video into the [playr], it does one of two things, depending on where that video is located on my computer. If the video is on the desktop or in a folder on the desktop, the file loads fine. If, on the other hand, the video is located in the folder with my other resources for that patcher, one of two things happens: A) Max quits instantly, bringing up a Mac OS error report, or B) nothing happens at all. Any ideas?

P.S. This holds true for other videos and other folders: the potential for crash or nothing if loading from some folder deeper in my hard drive's folder structure, or loading videos fine from the desktop or a folder on it.

P.P.S. Every time I press command-s, it's treating it as "save as," asking me to enter a new name for my file, and sometimes (always?) it won't actually create a new file if I try to save into these folders that are having problems. Maybe this has something to do with it? I.e. Max isn't reading my folder structure properly for some reason?

Thanks much for your time,


Max version 8.1.8 (28fa7f9) (64-bit mac)

Source Audio's icon

Source Audio

2月 16 2021 | 10:59 午前

you have privileges problem with MacOS.
try to give full disc access rights to

Rob Ramirez's icon

Rob Ramirez

2月 16 2021 | 6:29 午後

my guess is there is an issue with the path where your patcher is saved, usually involving slashes in the path

David Krebs's icon

David Krebs

2月 16 2021 | 7:32 午後

Omg thanks so much. I had a "Max/MSP" in my folder name. Wow!

My saving problem is fixed. I'm still getting some crashes on drag-and-dropping video files, but loading them with a "read" message seems to be working, so I should be ok. Thanks! This community is so responsive. 👍

David Krebs's icon

David Krebs

2月 17 2021 | 12:29 午前

Ok, so I'm a total Jitter/Vizzie newb (and only have the basics of Max/MSP), so I don't know much about anything. But I just want to do some basic video mixing, with a cue channel and crossfading/cutting between the two channels.

My problem with drag-and-drop video loading crashing (quitting) Max is starting to seem more important in that it's crashing when I try to select a video using [MOVIEFOLDR]. When I drop the folder it's fine, and it registers the names of all the videos in the folder. But when I select one from the drop-down menu, the program quits. Any ideas?

P.S. Loading videos into [PLAYR] with a "read" message still works fine.

Rob Ramirez's icon

Rob Ramirez

2月 17 2021 | 4:13 午後

can you post your patch, and also post the full path to the folder where the files live?

does the moviefoldr help patch work?

David Krebs's icon

David Krebs

2月 17 2021 | 10:22 午後

Here's a patch that's exhibiting this behavior (though other patches are too). Nothing has happened in it except adding a [PLAYR] and a [MOVIEFOLDR], then dragging a folder onto the [MOVIEFOLDR], then selecting a movie from its menu. I didn't include the movie file or anything. Is this enough?

Here's the file path:

/Users/davidkrebs/Dropbox/My Mac (David’s MacBook Pro (2))/Desktop/music/VCFA/VCFA semester 2 (W21)/compositions/electroacoustic pieces/only lost 2021 02 14+/MaxMSP patches

P.S. I'm not running this off of Dropbox or anything. I actually don't understand why that's in the path. Dropbox is doing some auto-syncing...

P.P.S. It doesn't seem to matter where the patch file is located—it can be on the desktop, or in the same folder as the video folder, and it will exhibit the same behavior.


Untitled1 test patch.maxpat
Max Patch

Rob Ramirez's icon

Rob Ramirez

2月 18 2021 | 3:11 午後

sorry, I was more interested in the path to the video files, since loading a video file is what's crashing. maybe the culprit is again an unusual path name. can't imagine why "read" would work but loading from the moviefildr does not for the same exact movie file on the same exact patch.

David Krebs's icon

David Krebs

2月 19 2021 | 12:14 午前

That is the patch to the video file folder (I think maybe I didn't copy a "/videos" at the end of it). And dragging-and-dropping from that path crashes Max patches, no matter where they're located.

Re: odd folder names, I did do some experiments, putting "+" "-" and "()" in the folder names, and none of that seemed to stop anything from working when they were "near" the desktop.

For now I'm just going to put my movie folders on the desktop. Hopefully a solution will emerge at some point. Thanks for your help!