Alexandre -
OK I figured out that i needed to install aswell the "Arm 64 DMG" at ... and...
Manifest Audio -
Update: since restarting my machine the above patch seems to be working smoothly - hopefully the performance quality holds..!
zion -
Thank you very much Michael for your answer, I know about your first suggestion and we'll explore the other two, so really thank you...
mjosefson -
Hello, is it possible to pass a String with characters that has a Unicode codePoint over 0xFFFF? It seems to me like the characters get trun
Jan M -
Hi Stefan, I answered you in the Github comments. I will repeat it here as this is the central hub for Max knowledge: To set the JVM...
Marcel Wierckx -
excellent, thanks Patrick for the quick reply. I suspected something like this but could not find the legacy installer anywhere, good that...
David Bangerter -
Hi, I'm using mxj jitter java for the first time and there seems to be a problem in my code. The goal is, to get the brightness factor of al
Steve Berg -
Hey everyone. So, I'm trying to get my hands dirty in making some objects in Max/MSP via java. I've managed to create the JVM successfully (
Peter Gusev -
A beginner's problem: - I have a patch that uses mxj. - My Max installation (macOS) does not have mxj. - So I went on mxj github download
Roman Thilenius -
a proper managed level 2 switch starts at 10 euro on ebay (or 3 euro for a cat5) and will often let go away this rubbish which can happen...