
Advanced Max: Standalones, Part 4

In part 4 of our series on making applications with Max, we're going to continue looking at ways to customize it. This time out, we'll be adding a custom icon to your standalone. Join me for 20 minutes to see the process on both the Mac and Windows platforms.

All the tutorials in this series: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5

by Timothy Place on March 13, 2018

Dan Nigrin's icon

Hi Tim - perhaps you want to mention using the appicon message in a standalone build script, rather than doing the manual file replacement tasks on both platforms that you show in the video?

Elvis Titus's icon

To take a screen shot you only need Command - Shift - 4
There's no need for the Ctrl :)

max activist's icon

Way too complicated procedure.

Source Audio's icon

Now that it's about Advanced Standalone stuff info time,
I am wondering why do all externals first get packed into mxf file,
and then on EACH app launch get extracted again into temporary
directory .
If the sense was to "preheat" the app so that it launches faster
I would understand it, but all extracted externals get replaced every time.

ben sonic's icon

I love this tutorial, is it possible to explain the proper way of interact with files and folders outside the app? I’m thinking of loading audio files (or other) to provide user interactivity, including saving the adjustments.

I-CubeX's icon

Hi Tim, thanks for these video tutorials. We've added this repo with Ruby examples for building standalone apps.

Dg's icon

Appicon and the script window was so easy, now .icns files added to the project manager just does nothing by its own. So complicated things, sadly.