[sharing] poking a wavetable/list to gen~ Data in codebox
Exploring how to poke a list of data values from codebox to use on Befaco Lich - found that you can iterate through a Selector from poke itself. Pretty new to this, so might have been discussed earlier.
Selector seems to have no limit to values in codebox so this is a 512 value list being iterated through with a for loop. Currently the Lich module only supports gen~, meaning no access to buffer or files and I wanted to see how to create Data buffers for oscillators, cv sequences.
Thanks! This really helped me wrapping my head around how I can make settings-files on the Lich- something which will be needed when making more complicated patches.
Would you have any idea how I can easily define a array that then gets read into the Data object at the top of the patch??
Something like:
float mysettings = [0,1, 0.2, etc];
that then gets read in using poke and selector?
Here's another example filling multiple channels...
just careful with the Lich compiler - it doesn't like anything bigger than around 253 samples because Selector gets converted into some parenthesis horror and it errors out at 256+ brackets. I assume you can split huge samples into mulltiple cascading for loops and that is a hack we have to live with for now. Maybe later there will be a way to generate buffers of files when Lich firmware gets to that stage.
I don't think you can do arrays, all i've been doing is generating lists out of Audacity and copy pasting the table into the selector definition.