Arduino to Max - Max won't recognise Serial Port

Rachel Horrell's icon


I am trying to connect Arduino Uno to Max/MSP, but Max does not recognise any serial ports at all. I’m using MacOS Sonoma 14.5, and when I try to search the serial ports on Max, I get “read 0”. When I enter the port in the serial object I get the error “serial: specified port not available”. 

 The macOS recognises the port exists in the terminal, so the issue lies purely within max/msp. 

So far the troubleshooting I’ve done is:

  • Made sure Arduino application is closed

  • Tried different ports 

  • Reinstalled Max

  • Reinstalled an older version of Max

  • Restarted laptop 

  • Checked the Baud matches on Arduino and changed it etc

  • Given max full permissions on macos

Has anyone else had this issue?


Source Audio's icon

Post patch

One can’t tell what you do to “search“

for serial ports

Sébastien Gay's icon

You should send (print) to serial, to get the ports list :

The serial port is a letter (a, b, c or d or ...), not the full name. For instance if you get:

port c /blabla/usbmodem11201, then :

Rachel Horrell's icon

thank you so much! that worked :-)