As soon as I make a max file into a project, max crashes.

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I am having a very difficult time.

As soon as I make a max file into a project, max crashes.

I can't publish this project because it's for professional use, but it's a simple loop of 17 videos (15 GB, not hap) fading in jit.xfade. What could be the cause?

I'm using Max on a Mac and have a mix of Max for M4L (8.6.0) and a single Max (8.6.4)... I remember creating the file in 8.6.0 and the project in 8.6.4...

How can I resolve this?

Source Audio's icon

It could be that 15 GB media files.

What for do you need a project if it is such a simple patch ?

Emma's icon

A 4K video installation is being produced for the exhibition.

Four PCs are used for OSC communication.

A programme is required to run the project. The video size cannot be reduced. It worked fine before we turned it into a project.

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My question is why do you need a project as such ?

Can you not run main patch or build standalone ?

Emma's icon

Because my job requires me to...

What is the main patch?

Will going standalone stabilise the system?

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Main patch is the thing one needs to run whatever one programmed.

Using project format is not needed.

As you say : it worked untill we turned it into a project ...

What did you turn into project ?

Emma's icon

Thanks I understand.

I've made the max patch for the installation system into a project. I don't want the video link to break every time.

I used this as a reference ↓

As soon as I made it a project it started crashing.

Also, application export is no good. The files are too huge to work...

Source Audio's icon

Using project is of no help at all.

Not to use in max and not to build standalone.

At least if you don't know how to set project for your purpose.

You don't want to embed 15 GB into mxf file

when building standalone, or allow project to copy files from / to Media folder.

All you need to do is to make a single folder,

place main patch and all other files it uses into that same folder.

No need to create search paths.

All files will get found just by name.

In case you prefer to use dedicated folder for Video files,

then you build a path to it,

depending on if you use max patch, or standalone.