Best object for drum sequencer + step velocity for each track ?
I tried multiple things but it always ends up clunky and/or not functioning. I try to make a drum sequencer, it will issue bangs for synth drum voices and I'd like to control the velocity of each drum voice, on each step.
live.step is great for a single-voice sequencer but for 4, 8, or 16 voices, I'd have to put these in a "p" and go to each subpatch each time I want to change the sequence, it's just really not practical.
What would be a better way ?
live.step can have up to 16 voices (see nseq attribute) and any number of them simultaneously.
But if it's for a drum sequence with only velocity, maybe it's worth checking [matrixctrl @dialmode 2] (check the "dialmode 2" in the helper file).
Oh, this looks great indeed
How to issue a bang only for the steps with a value greater than 0 ?
For now I just want velocity, in the future I'll add lots of things like probs, study markov chains etc but this time I want to focus on sound design, do some music and not burnout like last time
[> 0.] ------- [sel 1]
[if $f1 > 0. then bang]
[sel 0.] ----(connect right outlet to) ---- [t b]
for example.
It'll do it, thank you !