---buffer name for gen
hi together,
I realized today that I cannot use the --- for my buffer object I am using for gen.
Does anybody know a solution to create an unique name space in max for live within a gen~ ?
thanks in advance
I believe you are mistaken. As long as you type the buffer name as an argument to the max [gen] object (as opposed to only inside the gen code) this should work.
[gen~ @bufname —-nameofbuffer]
hi tyler,
thanks for the suggestion, but it is not working for me. also I would need the buffer length ...
but it seems already the @bufname is invalid.
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"box" : {
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"text" : "gen~ @bufname ---bumi",
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"box" : {
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"text" : "name ---bumi",
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"patching_rect" : [ 58.0, 246.0, 121.0, 22.0 ]
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"numoutlets" : 6,
"patching_rect" : [ 58.0, 280.0, 256.0, 64.0 ]
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"box" : {
"maxclass" : "newobj",
"text" : "buffer~ ---bumi",
"outlettype" : [ "float", "bang" ],
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Don't use "---bumi" in the gen~ patcher, use "bufname".
E.g. within gen~, use [buffer bufname], [dim bufname], etc.
The attribute "@bufname ---bumi" on the gen~ object tells the gen~ that where gen~ uses "bufname", it will map to whatever ---bumi is in Max.
Super! Now I understood and it works just fine.
Thanks to both of you.
Is this somewhere described or maybe this falls more into the category of things which are just basic knowledge which I might not have :)
I'm trying to do something similar and trying to get a locally scoped buffer into gen (into a codebox). By any chance could you share the working code?
I can't quite figure it out. In my case I'm trying to access a buffer named #1myname
so that each instance can be given a unique buffer.
Oh I have it, the code I need in the codebox is:
Buffer bufname();
out1 = dim(bufname);
(using the [gen~ @bufname —-nameofbuffer]
to create the gen~
as described above).