Change max device name (window title) during runtime

Marc Assenmacher's icon


I want to change the Max device name through the click of a button. It that possible somehow?

Thanks in advance ;)

11OLSEN's icon

I'm afraid not. I guess Live is simply printing the filename (without .amxd) into the title bar.

Marc Assenmacher's icon

I know that Live does that when adding a device, but you can rename any device after it is added to a track. I think there should be a way to rename that from Max or the Live API. I just couldn't find it so far.

11OLSEN's icon

You're right. I never really noticed that renaming and adding notes also works for devices. I agree, that could be really useful if it would be accessible somehow.

11OLSEN's icon

Wait, that actually works.😵 You can set the name with 'set name xx' to a live.object (assigned to device).
Thank you very much for pointing me to that feature.

Marc Assenmacher's icon

This worked perfectly. Thank a lot for your help as well.

I just started with Max a few days ago and I am not a programmer so I am still struggeling with getting the documentation and object orientation right.