Connectin a Tacx bicycle trainer to Max

Marin Gauthier's icon

Marin Gauthier

9月 09 2024 | 6:23 午後

Hello hello!

I'm a young composer who is starting a project based on the bicycle and the mind of the athlete. I'm currently trying to connect my Tacx Neo to Max for live in order to controller different parameters of a track by pedaling fast/slow, soft/hard etc... These things are all being picked up by the trainer but i'm trying to find a way to send that data to max and assign it to parameters of a track such as distortion or time stretch or something.

Thing is the trainer connects via Bluetooth on apps such as zwift and the Garmin training app but not the bluetooth settings of my pc, so objects like HI "human interface" don't recognize the trainer.

Does anyone have any ideas? How could I pick up the data from the trainer and assign it via Max for live?

Thank you

Source Audio's icon

Source Audio

9月 10 2024 | 12:24 午後

you can try max serial object or BLE external

if you get any input, you need to decipher data coming in

or try