Create Audio Delay-Offset in Max for Live

Steve Rummage's icon

Hi, this is probably a simple one for you Guru's...

I've built a basic feedback delay with Tapin/out~ Now I want to re-create a delay-offset like in Ableton's stock delay. It works as a -/+33% of the delay time. I havent been able to work this out with my limited Max knowledge, and cant find anything in the forum.

Source Audio's icon

simple calculation

Steve Rummage's icon

Awesome thanks! Can I simply add a dial to the loadbang to modulate this?

Source Audio's icon

well you do what you want in terms of GUI.

this is max gui objects only example.

loadbang sets range for them and initialises set values.

Live objects don't need that, it can all be set

in inspector, like initial value range etc.

to use dials replace numboxes with dials set to correct range.

or sliders , whatever.

Steve Rummage's icon

Got it sorted, thanks again!

Steve Rummage's icon

Source Audio's patch adapted for Ableton...

Max Patch
Copy patch and select New From Clipboard in Max.