Default M4L Max Midi Effect thru connection mutes notes
I am making some M4L patches starting with the default Max Midi Effect object in the Live browser. You know, the object that has nothing in it but a MidiIn object connected to a MidiOut object. [insert your MIDI effect here] comment is in there.
My midi effect patch does not deal with Midi notes at all, so I leave this little connection as is. The patch receives CC data from some send objects elsewhere in the set, modifies it, then connects that data to various versions of the MaxAPI param controller thing to control synth parameters downstream on the same Live track. This is all contained in my M4L midi effect. Incoming Midi data should pass right through that default connection from track midi input to the synth plugin.
I notice after a while, if messing with parameters in my patch (not in the Max editor, just in the UI of the Midi effect I have created), sometimes the Midi effect I have created no longer passes midi notes through the default thru connection I have not touched. If I save and re-open the Live set it works again. If I delete then reload my Midi effect from the browser it works again. For now I am putting my effect on an adjacent MIDI track so I don't have to rely on that Thru connection, but this is frustrating.
Has anyone else had this problem?
Thank you!