Delaying output of number until new number is recieved
Hi, I am currently building a patch I am struggling massively with what seemingly should be a very simple task.
When a number object is at 5, for instance, I want the patch to output the previous number, effectively storing what it was before it was changed. So if it was a 5, and is then changed to a 7 I want to be able to store the 5 to use in a different place. And then when the same number object is changed from 7 to a 3, I want that to in turn change the same "stored" number that was previously a 5 to a 7 and so on and so on.
I have looked up "how to delay output of number until the new number is received" and other things along those lines but surprisingly have found nothing.
I would just use a basic delay object, but I want the delay to be input-dependent, not time-dependent.
Please help!!!
You are probably getting flooded by results using the [delay] object, which is a time-driven delay, while the logic you want to achieve is event driven and don't even require any kind of temporal delay. It's just about holding in memory a value until the next one arrives.
Check the doc for hot and cold inlets, the [trigger] object, and also [int] or [float] or [zl.reg] that you'll be able to use to hold your data.
two ways - [int] and [zl reg]

Problem with t i b is that
initial output would be a zero,
unless you initialise it to some needed value. that in case of int.
if you use zl.reg, then no output at all...
yes, initial conditions --
up to the composer
bucket doesn't solve it
it would be easy to patch something if conditions are clear.
conditions are:
1 what initial input number does
2 if both (current & previous) number need to get output
or need to be available.
if it is as title describes :
"Delaying output of number until new number is recieved"
then initial number is not output till 2nd one comes in.
bucket does it well.
Another solution, using