disappearing output channel mapping

eric larrieux's icon

Hi, I'm currently configuring a large multichannel setup and ran into some strange behavior where Max lost the ability to play audio in the speaker dome.

The setup is as follows: Max 8 (on a macOS v14.7.1) --> RME Fireface UFX III --> RME AD6432 (via coaxial MADI) --> multiple Genelec 8330 (via AES/EBU)

Anyhow, after a bit of troubleshooting, I realized that all of my MADI channels (outputs 31 - 94) on the UFX switched from MADI 1 - 64 to "OFF" in the I/O Mappings window. I'm not sure if this is perhaps relevant, but I've been testing different active USB extension cables, and had just tried one that the RME didn't like at all (my computer didn't even see the UFX anymore).

Does anyone know:

  1. What could have suddenly caused this? If it is a known bug/issue, I would like to avoid it in the future, as this system should be plug and play.

  2. If there is a simple way to restore all of the default mappings? Going through all the drop down menus and reconnecting everything is tedious and prone to errors. It seems that I/O Mappings window is also a Max patch, so I suppose I could dig into it a bit and figure out how it works and create some sort of a check/fix for this issue, but would think there is some sort of an "init" command to take care of this for you.


eric larrieux's icon

in case it's useful for anyone, here's a hacked together version of the audio status window that has a reset button

Max Patch
Copy patch and select New From Clipboard in Max.