Expert Sleepers + MAX +modular
Anyone else using Expert Sleepers to interface MAX and modular synths? I'm asking because a few friends are trying to pool our knowledge and help each other develop projects, etc.. If anyone here is interested, I'm happy to direct you our way.
Just give me a shout :)
What are the chances...
I was just wondering if the Expert Sleepers ES-3 module could/would communicate with Max well.
I would love to hear what you and your friends have been toying around with.
I'm not sure anyone is using the ES-3 with MAX. I just have been using an ES-8 for the past couple months and it has been great fun to tinker with. I would imagine the ES-3 is similar though.
If you're interested, there's a bit of discussion starting at the Lines forum in a sub-category called 'studies'. Join us if you'd like:
I really feel like there have to be more people working with this combo, so I'd love to have a nexus for discussion.
I was just wondering if the Expert Sleepers ES-3 module could/would communicate with Max well.
I’m not sure anyone is using the ES-3 with MAX.
Nah, the ES-3 gets along with Max just fine. There isn't a lot to tell, though; just route a signal to the dac~ output that corresponds to the correct ADAT channel on your audio interface and you're good to go.
If you want more accuracy (e.g. for consistent v/oct pitch cv across multiple outputs), you can connect an ES-3 output to a voltmeter and bias/scale your signal in Max to get to a clean 0.1 = 1vdc or whatever. The bias/scale settings will be different for each channel of the ES-3, of course. It's easy enough to put together a simple calibration routine if you're going to be doing this regularly.
If you don't have a meter or want to interface with the ES-3 via MIDI note messages, I'm sure you could also host the Silent Way plugins in Max and use SW Voice Controller's calibration scheme, but I've never tried that personally.
Anyone using the ES-3/ES-6 combo to sequence an eurorack voice with Max and bringing back the audio in ? Any help would be appreciated.
I am, mostly in the context of Live. It works great but definitely is a bit of work to get a setup that you like and understand it all. What are you stuck on? I have an Es3, 5, 8, 8cv, and 6 here, running on a Mac.
I would like to sequence a basic modular synth voice with a simple max sequencer so from what I understand I send signal to the ES-3 using dac~and I bring signal back in max using adc~but how to send CV and Gate from Max ?
Hi, you need to use the encoder object from Expert Sleepers, and you also need to figure out how you want to work with that object because it expects a number representing the state of all the gates. I made a simple object that sits in front of mine allowing me to turn on and off gates with individiual 1/0 messages. This object needs to be set to output to the dac channels that are multiplexing the gates, to this will be one pair of the set on the parent device (es-8 or 9). In the context of live, what works for me is having my sequencer on a track who's output is set to this pair (dac 9/10 in the picture below), and the gate output lives on that track. The other CV outs can be on other channels as needed and one can use send~/recieve~ or audio routing to send to them.
I should probably make a video of this, the ones from expert sleepers aren't particularly detailed.
Here's my encoder containing object, the es5encoder~ is the extension you need from expert sleepers.

Wait, I dont have an ES-5, does this external is compatible with ES-3 ? Yes that's pretty complicated for my noobish max level I'm quite lost and even in the many videos on the subject of integrating Max and eurorack I can't find one about using a simple max sequencer to send CV/gate to a basic eurorack synth voice... Thanks for your help.
ah, my mistake. The ES-5 is a multiplexer specifically for gates. If you have an ES3, you can use that for gates too, but you will be using up a channel for each gate, and it's not something I've done. If you have the finances to do so, I would recommend the ES-5 as the way to get gate output!
Yeah I know this is possible to send CV AND gate from the ES-3, I just don't know how to generate a gate from a max sequencer, this is driving me insane...
I haven't done this personally, but I think all you need to is send a high signal out that output for gate = on. This thread seems to conclude that setting it at 8volts should be good.
You could look at the Ableton Live CV tools device and see what they are doing (perhaps with a multimeter...)
ES-3/MOTU user here. I typically send the ES-3 my gates and modulations, reserving a few of my MOTU 8pre-ES's outputs for pitch CV as i find it slightly more accurate, but the ES-3 scales -1. - 1. perfectly to eurorack levels of -10v - 10v. For gates, anything resembling a square wave is a gate. It could be an LFO, or just a ~sig recieving 1. and then 0. Send your ~DAC a signal at 1. and it's high (on), send 0. and it's low (off).
Attenuate the output of your synth signal to line level and plug it into your audio interface's inputs, select the channel on ~adc and have fun!
Sorry to jump in here but it seemed better than starting a new thread.
I have just bought a Sleepers ES-6.
I've made a simple patch ( just a float to sig~ to gain~ to dac~) to check that it's working as expected. It is to an extent, but, even if I increment the float well to the right of the decimal point and use it to control frequency on my modular, I hear discrete steps if I change rapidly. My understanding was that gain~ should smooth things, with a default of 20ms.
Any ideas? Thanks!
Guessing here, but is the float actually sending frequency, or is sending linear volts? If it's volts, then those decimal increments are actually quite big - they are fractional octaves (scaled by log 2).
Ah OK. That does make sense, Iain. I will put put some calcs in the chain so that the float relates directly to frequency.
Thanks very much,