Feature Request: Syntaxcoloring local to Patcher

Oni Shogun's icon

Thank you for the new design features,

I can clearly see the benefit for most users. In my case, however — and I am sure I am not entirely alone — this feature causes headaches. I automatically colourize all my patchers and all its objects according to their purpose. Since the syntaxcoloring addresses both bgcolor and textcolor of objects globally for Max, most of my object box texts I can no longer read. Of course I can disable this feature, but since I am sharing my patchers a lot, especially to students who don't work in this way, it gets really messy and unintuitive.

I would really really appreciate a feature to a next update which allows the syntaxcoloring to be local to the patcher. I am okay with updating every patcher I open (perhaps using REPL ?) but it would be super helpful if this setting could be part of the patcher's json-settings (if present, it will be applied)…

currently, I am sending messages to REPL all the time (thank you for this addition) to enable/disable the global syntaxcoloring over and over. This really ain't sustainable I'm afraid..

Thank you for listening !

Julien Vincenot's icon

+ 1

Just like debug probes this should have been an option, not a default ! 😵‍💫