message is erased.

RuthWWWW's icon

message is erased. message is erased.

Source Audio's icon

I don't understand role of each sensor.

could you explain in simple words, what is set input range

of LDR sensors (min - max values)

what should they be scaled/combined into ?

what shoud that values control at the end ?

you combine strange delaced Bnn Ann numbering

instead of using straight 1 - 16 readouts, why ?

otherwise you could group and math them easier using vexpr for example.

Source Audio's icon

have a look at this simplified patch

Max Patch
Copy patch and select New From Clipboard in Max.

you can change scaling factor once input gets finally defined.

Source Audio's icon

you can reuse all 16 LDR's or only some and scale them to control anything you want.

Max Patch
Copy patch and select New From Clipboard in Max.

zmap is more secure as it clips output in case input exceeds set input range.

Scale on the other hand could inverse output, but it does not clip output

to set output range.

you can see the difference here

Max Patch
Copy patch and select New From Clipboard in Max.

Source Audio's icon

you can insert filter at groove output

Source Audio's icon

If you need help with recording, looping, overdubbing etc,

just ask

Source Audio's icon

well, then you need to describe what you want to do ...

Source Audio's icon

please post patches as copy- compressed ,

I don't want to download patches and patches

in max select all in your patch and :

then paste here.


I meant to give me hints how and what you want to record and loop etc.

Is 4 seconds really max length, do you manually start-stop recording,

how and when you want to overdub etc etc.

Is there anything in recording process related to LDR values or not ?

One could use tapin~ tapout~ with controlable input level, feedback

and let it auto record from the beginning by openning input into delay.

Max Patch
Copy patch and select New From Clipboard in Max.

Source Audio's icon

why do you add this sliders again ?

your 16 outputs are allready mixed into live.gain

if you want to add effects after mix , then do it there.

then, I don't understand relation between audio playback of prerecorded samples,

and overdub ?

you want to overdub into buffer that has sample loaded ?

and when you replace sample , overdub is gone too ?

Source Audio's icon

I think in first place you must get 16 sensors set correctly.

I mean to check the range and adjust their sensitivity both in arduino code

as well as to scale them in max to get as much control range as possible.

there are different tyes of LDRs, dark-light resistance min/max can differ a lot,

one hast to adjust voltage divider resistor and also maybe reference voltage

to get maximum output range expected in the installation room.

that should also be made adjustable ...

Can I maybe help you with that, to start with ?