Freezing/archiving your Max (and Ableton) Project Environments for performance

Misemao's icon


7月 17 2024 | 4:47 午後

Hello everyone,

I am wondering if there are any best practices regarding "freezing" a project for reproducible performances. Let me explain what I mean by that:

Let's say I develop a larger project involving Max and Ableton. It's organized in a Max project and an Ableton project. It works for the first performance. Afterwards, I don't touch the project for a few months (while working on other projects). When I open the project after a few months, nothing works anymore and finding out why it does not work is usually more time consuming than just building it again from scratch.

Is there any way to archive a project, including the Max and Ableton Versions, installed externals, plugins ect., in a way that it can be run again later without any changes? Ideally there would be something similar to Python virtual environments.