GEN delay and oscilators for Electrosmith Patch.Init() Noob patch.

Gonzalo's icon

Hello, I'm new to Gen. I recently purchased Patch.Inith() from Electrosmith to experiment with creating modules capable of running effects, instead of investing in other expensive options. Despite researching extensively, I haven't come across patches specifically designed for this module, which is smaller than the Daisy Patch.

Nonetheless, I've developed a sort of Combo module that generates three sine waves and incorporates a delay. The three waves are controlled by knobs 1 to 3, while knob 4 manages the delay, essentially functioning as a mixer. It's a very basic patch, so I would greatly appreciate it if someone could review it for potential improvements and suggest ideas for CV and gate inputs and outputs.

Thank you in advance for any assistance.
application/zip 3.04 KB