GL fps slowdown, only in "presentation mode"

joumik's icon

Hi everybody,

i'm on a MBP M1pro, MacOs 14.1.2

There's a huge patch, that i made years ago,
that has always worked correctly (60fps speed render).

This morning,
and after restart of the laptop, Max, etc...
i'm experiencing something totally new.

the speed render falls from 59/60 fps, to 17fps,
but only in "presentation mode" !
in "patching mode", fps instantly increases, up to 59/60 fps,
(as it has always been..).

No matter where i'm placing the world window,
it's behaving exactly the same on main MBP screen, or on extended screen.

Here is what has changed since last "working ok" time:
--> upgrade from MacOs Ventura to MacOs Sonoma

--> upgrade from Max 8.5 to 8.6

Would anybody have any clue ?
Patch and dependencies are approximatively 20GB,
i can't post it here to reproduce.
I'll try to make a smaller patch that behaves te same way, and post it.

Thanks for any help,
i'm playing this show tomorrow :)

joumik's icon

Ha ha :)

i have just found , approximatively 3 seconds after posting !

deleting the jit.fpsgui used to measure the fps rate, immediately lets the fps rate fly again .

I had already experienced something like that, but not for such a loss.
Anyway, it's fine now,
thanks for reading :)

billyanok's icon

Hey Joumik,

You can reduce the interval setting in the jit.fpsgui to say 500ms +.

This will probably get your 60fps back.


joumik's icon

Thanks a lot, Billyanok, for your answer.

Sorry for the delayed answer,
i'm now back.

in order to get my fps back,
the only thing that worked, was to zoom in the window, at 400% ,
in presentation mode.
Which is not cool at all...
Never had that issue ...
And now , since 2 days,
for some reason, i don't need to zoom in "that way", in order to get the fps.

I'm starting to think that i might have something really buggy, somewhere..

Another strange thing,
is that now, i can't play anymore with videoplanes transparency,
whereas it's still working fine with cornerpins.

Here is a simple patch:
are you able to play with transparency of videoplane, and cornerpin ?
these last days on tour, have been hardcore, trying to understand why all this ...

huge thanks for your words here,

test transparncy.maxpat
Max Patch

Wil's icon

I can get your fps over 200, add some stuff to

It started at 12fps. but i had other world turned on.

turned it off yours went up to 50's

added my usual 'world' @'s and viola-200+fps

-- Yes transparency and corner pin are working

billyanok's icon


I get a solid 60FPS with transparency working.

Max 8.6 / OS Sonoma

Have you tried output_texture 1 on mov?


joumik's icon

Thanks a lot,

I had no FPS issue on this one, but have thé transparency problem on videoplane !!

-} re-iinstalling max asap !!:)

Pedro Santos's icon

Hi Joumik.

I've tested your patch and have the same problem.

On "glcore" it doesn't work, but is working if you change it to "gl2"

Max 8.6.0, Ventura 13.6, Intel MacBook Pro with Radeon Pro 560X 4 GB

Pedro Santos's icon

This one is working for me with "glcore".

Max Patch
Copy patch and select New From Clipboard in Max.
riccardo dapelo's icon

Hi, I get about 110-120fps (sometime slowdown, but never below 90 fps) and both cornerpin and transparency working.

Max 8.6.0 (not opened with Rosetta,) Graphics "glcore", Video engine "viddll"

Apple M1 Pro (macbook 14"), Mac OS 13.6.4.

joumik's icon

Thanks a lot for your answers !

changing open-gl preference to GL2 ,

also allows videoplane 's transparency on my laptop.

thanks for that tip Pedro :)

I have just checked the patch in Max 8.5.6 ,
on the same MBP.
With Gl-core and GL2, it's working ok.

My Max app is not opend with Rosetta.

(and i checked both ON/OFF configuration)

Hi, Cycling Team,
would you have suggestions ?

Could there be some kind of bug on 8.6 release,
regarding videoplane's transparency ?

Thanks to all of you :)

Rob Ramirez's icon

There are reports of a broken color attribute affecting some machines with the 8.6.0 release. We have this fixed in 8.6.1 which should be released very soon, so please give that a shot when it's out and see if things improve. Apologies for the inconvenience.

That being said, you are going to have indeterminate draw order in this patch unless you explicitly set the order via the layer attribute.

joumik's icon

That sounds great :)
And thanks for the quick tip :)

Rob Ramirez's icon

looks like very soon means today -

please let us know if that doesn't get you sorted

joumik's icon

yeah :)

problem solved !!

fastest ever :)

thanks again eerybody :)

joumik's icon

Hi everybody ,

so :)...

last update to 8.6.1 resolved the transparency issue.

Now i'm back to my original problem,
which is a slowdown on fps framerate with jit world and .... i don't know what.

here is a simple patch:

check fps.maxpat
Max Patch

just a, and an amount of number boxes.

if i open it with max 8.5.6, i get a solid 60fps framerate.

if i open it with max 8.6.1, i get a basic 40fps framerate.

i don't know what kind of setting would be able to solve this.
i have tried many things in preferences, scheduler, ... ...

Do you have that same problem ?

mizu's icon

don't know if it helps. playing with attrui sync FPS displaylink

here MBPro M1 max : solid 120 fps 8.6.1 & 8.5.7, but scrolling it goes down to 54 and fast to 120

maybe something depending off the used screen ?

Max Patch
Copy patch and select New From Clipboard in Max.

curious :-)


joumik's icon

Thanks Mizu :)

but no, not better ..

Maybe that only happens on Sonoma OS...


mizu's icon

maybe : not said here: Monterey


sousastep's icon

try updating to Sonoma 14.3.1

I noticed some FPS issues with 14.2

Wil's icon

something I have been noticing for a while (maybe 3 years)

when my patches are sized to fill up the entire screen- frame rate goes wayyyy down.

when I resize the patch very small (not zoom %), Fram rate goes wayyy up.

First with 2017 MacBook Pro, again with M1 Mac. System doesn't matter. All max versions.

2 max patches fit to screen + 1920x1080 world = 80fps

2 max patches sized smaller- same world = 220fps (revealed -third patch is always small)

...nothing is playing. patches just opened and turned on.

joumik's icon

i'm on Sonoma 14.1.2,

hadn't realised !
i'll update today :)

Thanks Wil, a lot :)

that's a trick .

joumik's icon

just updated to sonoma 14.3.1.

And now, i have a solid 59-60fps.

Early versions of sonoma were guilty.
Thanks everybody :)

Pedro Santos's icon

Just a quick note: as I understand it, Jitter currently still shares the low-priority thread with Max's GUI and other processing tasks. That's a problem when having many interface elements, it will slow down Jitter's FPS.

Here's hoping that Max 9 finally separates these two...

mizu's icon

remaining good old OS9 ;-)) (no: 8.6 )

and the clock from the quartz, and the crashes with...


Roman Thilenius's icon

why would a single fpsgui object have influence on video frame rate? doesn´t make sense to me.

under OS9 it makes about 1% difference. an M2 ultra is about 150 times faster.

Wilson Ryan's icon

I'm seeing framerate drops with a fairly UI heavy patch in presentation as well. As soon as I zoom in while in presentation OR just exit presentation, the framerate increases significantly. Is there any data I can help compile for this?

Note, this is just the interface and responsiveness I'm referring to, not Jitter specifically.

Ben Bracken's icon

Would be great to get a simplified example patch with some clear steps to repro into Support. Thanks!