How to embed fonts in M4L patch?
I've got an M4L patch that requires some fonts for proper display of certain things, and try as I might I'm not able to convince Max to freeze the fonts with the patch. Everything ends up as Arial when I load it on another machine that doesn't have those fonts natively installed.
I've tried to figure out how to use the dependencies to embed the fonts as files in the patch, but the Max 7 dependency document does not exist any longer.
How to share this patch with the proper fonts?
Hey Daniel,
Did you find anything about it? I also am looking for a solution for this. The only way I found so far is to make pict file, filled with the every character of the font, but that is a ridiculous job to do really :)
No I didn’t, sorry! I’d love to hear about a way to do it.
Hello there, anyone found a solution for this yet?
Surely they've made this possible in Max 8!
Some other thread I have found this information and it works:
1) Build a standalone app
2) Right-click on the app and select "Show Package Contents"
3) Go to Contents/Resources/, create a folder Fonts/ and copy your custom font(s) in there.
4) Open Contents/Info.plist with XCode (if you have it installed on your system, it automatically opens anyway)
5) Add a key ATSApplicationfontsPath, and as entry use Fonts
6) Save and exit
Sorry for misleading, this works for Max standalone. Still nothing for M4L. The only way is to ask for user to install the font before starting your m4l patch.
Thanks for that, yeah I've been using this method in my standalone for a while, was hoping that by now they'd have come up with a solution for M4L...