jit.gen @planecount can't expand?
James Harkins
5月 21 2023 | 2:37 午後
One plane matrix --> jit.gen @planecount 3 --> ???
Reference: "planecount [int] / OPTIONAL / Explicitly sets the number of planes for the output and any righthand inputs."
I can understand if jit.gen can't change the planecount but if so, the documentation shouldn't claim that it does...?
Rob Ramirez
5月 22 2023 | 3:32 午後
thanks for catching the documentation error, I'll make a note to update this.
James Harkins
6月 01 2023 | 6:19 午前
Thanks, appreciate it.
It's a reasonable behavior, that jit.gen's output would follow the geometry of the input matrix (or at least that it can't magically expand the input). Just confused me a bit that @planecount seemed like it might do so.