jit.cellblock functionality, but with different UI objects
I'm making a dynamic UI, that needs to have <n> rows of specific UI elements, more or less like this:
jit.cellblock works for a lot of my needs, specifically that I be able to keep the displayed data elements in sync with a coll, and that it should show scroll bars if the number of rows exceeds the allotted vertical space in my UI. Also, the number of rows is dynamic; rows can be added or deleted by the user.
However as we know, jit.cellblock can only display textual values, and not UI elements as above - thus my post. I could probably brute force this somehow with dynamic scripting of the addition/deletion of bpatchers that contain the row of UI elements, but wondering if anyone has an imaginative different approach to make this be more easily accomplished.
perhaps this new Max9 "jit.ui.group" thing
A good idea, but unfortunately I can't easily use a jit.canvas object for the jit.ui.group to write to in my patch, as it will eventually need to be a standalone in its own window...
(as you know) i would put the radio buttons/toggle in an lcd or jitter element and then put some transparent numberboxes above it.
Not sure I'm completely following you Roman - so do you mean use native jit.cellblock functionality to store the toggle state (0 or 1), but hide those from the user, and use overlaid toggles to programmatically set those cells' values? I could potentially do that without an LCD or jitter too.... Will explore (at least if that's what you meant! :-))