Jitter window flickering when scrolling around patch

Michael Freeman's icon

Michael Freeman

7月 18 2024 | 3:20 午後


As you can see in this video, the jit.pwindow flickers a lot when scrolling around the patch.

I have tried changing various settings, including the graphics backend from glcore to gl2 but it makes no difference. Changing the sync setting makes a bit of a difference but not much. I’d like to make the window consistent with interface elements so having it flickering does not help with a consistent look. Would appreciate any ideas. Cheers.

TFL's icon


7月 19 2024 | 5:36 午前

As far as I know it is specific to jit.pwindow displaying gl textures. It doesn't flicker with jitter matrices. Throw a jit.gl.asyncread before your pwindow and you should be good, as long as you not do it with too many big textures (otherwise is will quickly slow down the whole patch)

Michael Freeman's icon

Michael Freeman

7月 19 2024 | 5:04 午後

Thanks ! I’ll give that a go.