Lists in Gen?
Hi, I'm just beginning with gen (event domain version) and gen~ and am wondering does GenExpr support lists or arrays in Max 8? Thanks.
In Max7 you can create arrays with the buffer object, using the channel parameter for the second array index. You need to declare the buffer at the primary level and in gen~ with the same name to link them. Then you can use peek and poke from both primary level and genexpr, although the syntax is slightly different; in particular the channel index is 0 based in gen but 1 based in the primary level. Block read/writes are also possible in js. It should work the same way in max8
How disappointing! It makes the nice conditional branching and looping features much less useful (say I want to loop according to the entries of an array)
I don't know if this is still relevant but you can use fluid.list2buf and fluid.buf2list to make this proces a little easier. FluCoMa is in the package manager.