live.dial not visible in device Live 10 Max 8
Hi all,
I have a M4L device I created in Live 9.7 with Max For Live 7 that works with the Live 10 Beta with built in Max 8, however the live.dials in the device are not visible on the Push 2.
It works perfectly on Live 9 and the live.dial parameters are visible for automation with the Push, but in Live 10 I get a message on the Push "No parameters mapped".
Same here, push 1 tho. I was writing to Ableton beta support a while ago but got no answer.
Just been reading on a thread in the Live 10 beta forum ... it's a known issue and a fix is coming
try adding the new "live.banks" device, double click and assign the automapping index.
I'm not 100% sure, but this could work.
edit: it's not a device, but a max object.
Live 10 release - still not fixed
Not certain if this is the same issue, but I just fixed a similar issue for my APC40. See
Thanks to Evan for suggesting live.banks.
Hi Steve,
Yes, that's exactly the issue I was referring to.
Funnily enough I went looking for a solution on the Ableton forum on the weekend and was directed to the live.banks object too (thank you jur). The Help docs for the object don't seem to cover the basic use of assigning objects to controls (more about how to programmatically create/delete banks etc.) so I'll re-post you dot points here for reference:
Reopen the device in the Max editor.
Create a new [live.banks] Max object.
Toggle out of Edit mode (Command+E on Mac)
Double click with the mouse on the [live.banks] object to open the Parameter Banks editor window.
For each control to be mapped, find a slot in the bank and dial number of your choice.
Close the Parameter Banks window.
Save the device and go back to Live
Now at this point, you are not quite done yet. It appears that the bank parameter controls are only loaded/mapped to the controller (the APC for me, presumably a Push, too) when the device is newly inserted on a track or the track is loaded when a Live Set loads. That is, saving and closing the device in the Max editor does not load the control mappings to the APC. So to finish confirming that the live.banks object works:
Delete the device from the track.
Add the device back to the track.
Turn the dials on the controller to see that they are mapped.
I will add that I didn't have to follow the last three steps with the Push 2. After completing the edit to the device, saving and closing the Max editor the parameters were immediately mapped on the Push.
I have an APC40 mkII as well and using Live 10. In an M4L device, when I add "live.banks" to the patch, lock the patch and double click on the "live.banks" object, the parameter window does not appear. Double clicking does not do anything. Wondering if there's something I'm doing wrong there.