M4L+Dict+javascript in Live 12 with max 8.6.4

Damiano Meacci's icon

Damiano Meacci

7月 15 2024 | 12:08 午後

Good morning,

I have been using a Dict in M4L for some time to save information inside a device.

The device management is all done using JavaScript.

The information I save is related to the session's cue points and some associated information (name, ID, index, position), retrieving them from an array where I save the results of an observer.

To perform this operation in Live version 11 with older max version, I always simply used the set command of the dict:

[Dict variable].set(array[i][0], array[i][1], array[i][2]);

In Live version 12 with max 8.6.4, however, I am forced to convert the first value to a string; otherwise, the command is ignored, and the data are not added to the dict. This is the command that works in Live 12 with max 8.6.4:

[Dict variable].set(array[i][0].toString(), array[i][1], array[i][2]);

What strikes me as even stranger is that at index 0 of my array, I have the name of the cue point, which in the Max for Live documentation is defined as a symbol...

Does anyone know if the structure of the Dict or the set function has changed and, if so, where I can find detailed information about this?
