Mapping "FM-from-B"
Chaz Dean
9月 09 2024 | 8:56 午後
I'm surprised that I haven't been able to find a Serum-like 'FM-from-B' m4l device out there, in which the frequency of an audio signal can be mapped to parameters in Live similarly to the Envelope Follower device. I've fooled around with retune~ and it is providing me with reasonable frequency data, ...
BUT: I can't figure out how to convert that data into useable input for the Abl. MultiMap patcher. The output of the mapping seems binary even after I used the scale object (input 0-20,000; output 0-1.) and regardless of the min / max settings in the device's UI.
Any help appreciated!
Chaz Dean
9月 09 2024 | 9:06 午後
Here's my current attempt:
Roman Thilenius
9月 10 2024 | 3:15 午前
[clip 80 16000]
[ftom 0.]
[/ 127.]
Chaz Dean
9月 10 2024 | 5:25 午前
Thanks for the suggestion, Roman. Like this?
It still seems to only yield binary modulation, though.
Roman Thilenius
9月 10 2024 | 8:39 午後
i did not look into your patches before.
you already have a slide~ in there which would have been my next recommendation
retune~ has its own "correction" feature so we can skip that stuff, too.
yes, there. scaling and distortion is the last step. the ftom~ object is a bit weird, it requires a float argument to output non-truncated signal values, like the max original does, too.
because of the way midi works (key 1-127 == 8.1-12500 hertz) you can often start such calculations with these factory objects. no idea if you also require to [clip~ 0. 1.] the range to perfection, but i would do.
some more ideas, just ignore me if it does not apply/if i misunderstood.
you seem to only use the center frequency here. it is more common to first in line use the amplitude envelope of B in order to FM A with that.
however, since you can look at traditional 2-sines-FM as having two parameters, the modulation amount and the freqeuency of the modulation oscillator, you could also make use of 2 control signals, the pitch and the amplitude envelope derived of B.
this gives you alltogether 4 different methods how to do B FM A. :)
Chaz Dean
9月 10 2024 | 11:26 午後
Thanks, trying it now! (o:
Chaz Dean
9月 11 2024 | 6:37 午前
It's alive!
Thanks for feedback. What is working for me at this point is: [fzero] → [sig~] → [log~] → [scale] before running into both the envelopFollower patcher and the live.scope. This gives me continuous frequency monitoring (not constrained to midi notes), giving me all that beautiful artifacty modulation.
Roman Thilenius
9月 11 2024 | 6:10 午後
yep, and fzero is cheaper.