Max 8.5 Released With Support for RNBO
We are happy to announce the release of Max 8.5. This update features support for RNBO, an exciting new add-on for Max.
Learn more about RNBO here:
Additionally, Max 8.5 offers many improvements for Max and Jitter, with 15 new features and 50+ bug fixes.
As always, you can download the update here:
For a full list of all Max 8.5 improvements, check out the change log below, or here:
Happy patching!
- Cycling '74
New Features
ftom/ftom~/mtof/mtof~: Scala support
GLCore: modern OpenGL Graphics Engine (gfxengine glcore) new object to manage environment maps for image-based lighting GLCore Support support for PBR materails in glTF files new global illumination effects (atmospheric, tssao, ssr) GLCore support new object for efficiently rendering multiple words of text support for input-only buffers GLCore support
Max for Live Devices: added device pref to include packages when freezing
Projects: 'safe' mode (a la loadbang defeat)
RNBO: Support for new add-on patching environment
vst~: improved transport support / @legacytransport attr
vst~: support for named transports
Fixed Bugs
amxd~: fixed typing a file into the inspector
attrui: prevent setting of read-only attributes
autocompletion: fixed misc issues for a few objects
buffer~: fixed importreplace / replace with some .mp3 files (Mac fix only)
Color Picker: does not add unecessary undo transactions
filtergraph~: fixed crash saving markers
gestalt / js: fixed arm64 architecture reporting
GLCore: @poly_mode 2 2 correctly draws points as circles
GLCore: fixed cull_face poly_mode behavior
Inspector: Color popup follows horizontal window resize
JA Translation: improved word wrap in help files (Win) (GLCore): fixed poly_mode fixed skeleton mesh misalignment issues removed 1024 maximum character limit (now 32768)
jit.matrix: fix exportimage file extension enforcement
jit.qt.engine: fixed Error 126 loading external (Windows)
js: increased Array/stringth length when posting (32767)
jsui: fixed crash when @filename is set with #1 (changeable arg)
lcd: fixed crash with long 'write' symbols
line~ / curve~: prevent bang on single value message (reverts to old behavior)
live.banks: window can be opened from subpatcher
live.object: fixed potential crash on empty message
Max Console: permit option key from Window menu to move to the main display
Max for Live Device: improved devuce unfreeze speed
Max for Live Device: M4L patcher attributes are retained when saved in Max
Max for Live: improved scheduler<->audio accuracy
mc.pattern~: fixed crash on illegal channel index
New From Clipboard: ensure top-level loadbang is triggered
Node for Max: Fixed logging on Apple arm64 machines
Package install: improved installation / removal / etc
pattrhub: improved @patcher attach/detach
pink~: improved seeding / instances are unique
plot~: domain properly set from stored values
poly~: fixed right event outlet assistance
print: fixed comma-escaping
Projects: fixed crash if subpatcher window is open when Saving as Project
Projects: improved handling of invalid project search paths
Projects: reload no longer causes duplicate patcher instance if save dialog is cancelled
pvar: fixed crash when deleting object connected to a pvar
serial: improved open/close
sfplay~ / playlist~: fixed crash with high-channel counts
subdiv~: fixed @div attr arg initialization
subdiv~: fixed issues with patterns with small, followed by large, values
textedit: order attribute works when parameter_enabled
updown~: protect against over / under
vd.twist.jxs shader example: fixed for GLCore
vst~: added some aliases for @prefer
vst~: fixed argument parsing on patcher load
vst~: fixed crash with 'writebank' with no arguments (vst3)
vst~: fixed potential deadlock when changing parameters with generic interface
what~: fixed crash using @matches attr arg
zl.rev: fixed list with bang message stream size retained when changing zlmaxsize

can't.. contain.. excitement!..
I'm excited to check it out. Thanks for your work!
This is honestly so cool!!
What is the GLCore update? Does it mean there's new GL features, or a performance boost?
This is so awesome! Thanks C74 :)
@daddymax, glcore is now the default graphics engine, and is based on the old gl3 engine. you can read a bit about this here -
You wonderful people. RNBO is awesome 😎
Is the scalename attribute for ftom/ftom~/mtof/mtof~ working for anyone here? Any scale name from the Scala archive I put gives me a "scalename: no named scale" error. The documentation doesn't mention having to download the archive.
@ALEXANDER METSON Are you including the .scl extension? If so, just try passing the scale name without it.
@Ben Thanks for the reply. No, I am following the instructions in the object reference and forgoing the .scl extension.
@ALEXANDER METSON Ok, could you drop a note to support via our Bug Report Submission Form?
FWIW, I can't repro this on either platform, but I'll definitely keep an eye out for issues here.
@Ben Wow, I was totally the problem. I somehow forgot the "@" before the attribute name. The only bug was in my brain. Thanks anyway!
@ALEXANDER METSON ahhh, good to hear this are working, thanks for following up!
super exciting!! thanks for all the work
Crashing every time I try to save a new .js file. Filed with support...
Thread 0 Crashed:: CrBrowserMain Dispatch queue:
0 Max 0x105105d14 jpatcher_is_rnbo_patcher + 12
1 Max 0x104ed63a8 jpatcher_count_dirty_rnbo_patcher_fun(_jpatcher*, int*) + 24
2 Max 0x104ed63a8 jpatcher_count_dirty_rnbo_patcher_fun(_jpatcher*, int*) + 24
3 Max 0x1050f6c24 jpatcher_traverse + 44
4 Max 0x104ed5e34 apm_rnbo_preparetosave + 156
@TYLER Thanks for this one, I have been able to repro and we will get this fixed up for a hotfix update coming soon!
Thanks so much for such a ~7 years work.
Huge thoughts for Darwin, here too.
We will include this in our courses at Structure Void as soon as possible, for next sessions.
I get a lot of stuff in the console with 8.5.0 that I didn't have so far. As if the project, with no patcher loaded on project load, is being analysed. M ost #x in abstractions give warnings because of this. And it's showing a lot of dependencies that get tracked before opening any patcher. Used to be on loading the main patcher if I remember correctly and not as soon as opening the project. Nothing bad, just clutter that looks bad when sharing a project as if the code is not so trustworthy.

And also I get some crashes when saving a .js file after editing a few lines of a copied block within it. Tried a couple of times and got the same result. Just changing the function name and the name of a variable.
The project has worked fine until 8.5.0. This is new behaviour.
@Pierre-Olivier We've fixed up the js save issue for the next release (coming very soon).
Could you send along an example (patcher and steps) of the other issues you are experiencing?
I didn't check for the .js saving issue just above. Sorry about that. :)
Just open the project in this archive:
The only dependency is Java JRE. The rest is native Max and Jitter. Is there something new with the dependency check of the project when loading it?
The complaint about the plug-in is nothing new.
Otherwise I checked again the [poly~] multithreading with hyperthreading still doesn't work. Only the physical cores are loaded and not the second "virtual" core. Something broke with 8.2.0. We checked this together with Chris using the help patcher with a lot more load that in the help file. This was tested end of June with 8.3.1 and 8.2.2 vs 8.1.11.
Wow, big release! Can anyone provide more details on: "Max for Live: improved scheduler<->audio accuracy". Whatever it is, I'm happy about it, but I'd love to know more about the details of the improvement.
Super Super excited about this!! Specifically being able to create my own cheap custom hardware on a raspi! So many possibilities!!
couple questions:
1. I know this is very early days but is there any consideration for having the export work with something like the pi zero 2? Just to know if this could be a potential in the future or if there is something about its hardware which wouldn't ever really work with RNBO.
2. From a brief scan I see serial/UDP isn't currently available. I would love to use Arduino's with a raspberry Pi to have an interactive all in one device. Will there be Serial/UDP added in the near future?