Max 8.6.5 Released
We've just released Max 8.6.5. This maintenance update fixes a number of Jitter and Max for Live issues, as well as some miscellaneous improvements.
You can download the update here:
The full list of improvements are below, and on the Max 8.6.5 release page:
Happy patching!
Fixed Bugs
Audio Drivers: Fix crash on launch when system has over 32 audio devices
Crash Recovery: fixed when "Restore Windows on Launch" is disabled fixed index matrix for all draw modes fixed issues with setting color
jit.pwindow: size attribute is updated in attrui / getattr when rect is changed
jweb: fixed contextual menu placement displays correct annotation for 3rd outlet
live.scope~: fixed memory corruption issues when resized
live.text: text / texton accepts multiple words without quoting
M4L.chooser.js: fixed chain_selector parameter case
matrixctrl: fixed crash with dictionary input
Max for Live Colors: added 'scale_awareness'
Max for Live Device: fixed crash with loadbang
Max for Live Device: ensure that searchpaths are marked valid when unfreezing
Max for Live Documentation: M4L-specific patcher attributes are documented
mc.generate~: fixed non-signal trigger mode
mc.generate~: outputs correctly when more than one signal is connected to parameter inlets
mc.plugin~: fixed spurious output from second channel
pattrstorage: properly restores attribute values for autopattr @greedy 1
Scala Support: map 0 resets keyboard map
thispatcher: fixed crash when 'setactivetab' is received at high priority