Max not reopening after crash

mattyo's icon


7月 17 2024 | 3:10 午後

Has anyone had any experience with this? Recently, if Max crashes, and I get the 'reopen, report, etc. dialog box and select re-open, it does nothing. And, if I launch Max again, it does not offer to recover the last opened patcher, although I have 'Ask' selected in the 'Recover edits after crash' option. I tried rebuilding my database, but seemed to make no difference. has anyone come across this and/or has any clues?



Support info below:


"version" : "Version 8.6.4 (cc2e65882a1) (arm64 mac)",

"platform" : "mac",

"arch" : "arm64",

"osversion" : "Mac OS X Version 14.4.1 (Build 23E224) arm64",

"samplerate" : 44100,

"iovs" : 512,

"sigvs" : 64,

"scheduler_in_audio_interrupt" : "off",

"audio_drivername" : "Core Audio",

"audio_driver_subname" : "",

"license" : "permanent full",

"machine_id" : "c751ae30bfe1400f9989db2d1b661110",

"addons" : {

"rnbo_v1" : "full license"



"eventinterval" : 2,

"schedinterval" : 1.0,

"overdrive" : "on",

"pollthrottle" : 40,

"queuethrottle" : 100,

"sysqelemthrottle" : 1000,

"refreshrate" : 30.0,

"schedslop" : 25.0,

"eventprobing" : 1,

"mixerparallel" : "off",

"mixercrossfade" : 0,

"mixerlatency" : 30.0,

"mixerramptime" : 10.0,

"videoengine" : "viddll",

"gfxengine" : "glcore",

"packages" : {

"@C74_PACKAGE_NAME@" : "1.0.0",

"ACToolkit" : "0.9.8",

"Auzzie" : "2.0.1",

"bach" : "0.8.3",

"BEAP" : "1.0.4",

"boids_max" : "1.0.0",

"cage" : "0.7.0",

"catart-mubu" : "1.5.2",

"CNMAT Externals" : "1.0.5",

"cv.jit" : "2.0.2",

"Delicious Tutorials" : "1.0.2",

"Dicy2 For Max" : "",

"Djster" : "2.1.8",

"ease" : "1.2.3",

"ejies" : "3.2.5",

"filter" : "0.2.6",

"FluidAudibleEdge" : "1.0.0",

"FluidCorpusManipulation" : "1.0.7",

"ForumMaxApps-All" : "",

"FTM" : "2.8.0",

"Gen CV Tools" : "1.0.1",

"Gestural-Sound-Toolkit-master" : "",

"Gesture&Sound" : "1.4",

"Gesture&Sound-2014-11-Max-6-7" : "",

"gl3" : "0.3.3",

"go" : "1.0.0",

"Grainflow" : "1.2.0",

"hap" : "1.0.6",

"HISSTools Impulse Response Toolbox (HIRT)" : "2.1.1",

"ICST Ambisonics" : "3.0.2",

"ircam-antescofo" : "",

"ircam-omax_y-Max6.1" : "",

"ISF" : "1.0.3",

"jasch objects" : "0.8.3",

"jg.spectdelay 64-bit beta" : "",

"" : "1.1.6",

"Jitter Tools" : "1.0.10",

"link" : "1.5.5",

"lpc-burg" : "",

"Max for Live" : "1.0.9",

"Max for the Visual Arts" : "2.55.3",

"Max ToolBox" : "15",

"max-mxj" : "8.2.0",

"maxforlive-elements" : "1.0.12",

"MaxSoundBox" : "06-2023",

"MC Movement Studies" : "1.0.2",

"MIAP" : "2.0.0",

"MIAP_for_Max" : "",

"Mira" : "1.2.2",

"Miraweb" : "1.2.7",

"ml.lib" : "1.1.5",

"" : "1.3.0",

"mo_package" : "",

"Modalys" : "3.8.1",

"MuBu For Max" : "1.10.10",

"nn_tilde" : "",

"Node for Max" : "2.1.3",

"odot" : "1.3.6",

"PaletteGrab-master" : "",

"petra" : "1.2.0",

"qn-client-server" : "",

"RNBO" : "1.3.1",

"RTC-lib" : "8.3.0",

"sc-max" : "0.1.",

"smFilterPack" : "0.0.3",

"Somax-2.6.0" : "",

"Sound Design Toolkit" : "3.1.0",

"spat5" : "5.3.1",

"SuperVPMaxMSP" : "",

"Syphon" : "1.0.9",

"tc.preset" : "0.0.1",

"Ultraleap" : "1.0.0",

"uPattr" : "",

"vb-objects" : "1.0.0",

"VIDDLL" : "1.2.8",

"Virtual Sound Macros" : "",

"Vizzie" : "2.2.2",

"XRAY" : "1.0.2",

"z.abstractions" : "",

"zero" : "1.0.4",

"zsa.descriptors" : "1.3.0"



slo ~|•'s icon

slo ~|•

7月 17 2024 | 4:20 午後

Yes, I've experienced similar, but have not had a chance to investigate yet.

mattyo's icon


7月 17 2024 | 8:02 午後

I had this happen a few months ago, and fixed it by throwing away basically everything in the application support folder, but that was a bit of overkill, I think...