Max Tides (Les Marées Max) - Max event next septembre in Brittany / France

Philippe OLLIVIER's icon


7月 02 2024 | 4:09 午後

Hi Maxers,

Logelloù (music center in Britany, west of France) is organizing three days of meetings devoted to Max.

These days are dedicated to musicians, researchers, teachers, engineers and Max users. Over the three days, you’ll be able to attend lectures, workshops, indoor and outdoor concerts and performances, sound and visual installations, round-table discussions and more. You can also take part in social events in and around Logelloù.

The concerts and installations will be open to the public.

David Zicarelli honors us with his presence over the three days. He will be giving an opening talk at which he will present recent developments. He will also be leading a workshop on the use of MC.

The Max Tides program will be available in July.

To make a contribution or to register for Max Tides 2024, follow this link:

The French registration page can be found here :

We hope to receive many proposals and will be happy to bring together as many people as possible to talk about Max and its use during these three days by the sea in Brittany.

Looking forward to this event !

Philippe Ollivier

Mathieu Chamagne's icon

Mathieu Chamagne

7月 07 2024 | 12:45 午後

Very cool, finally a Max event in France :-)

I'll be there !

Looking forward to meeting you in this beautiful place.

Vincent Goudard's icon

Vincent Goudard

7月 12 2024 | 9:33 午前

Yes, this will be great!

I'll be there too!

Jean-Francois Charles's icon

Jean-Francois Charles

7月 12 2024 | 9:35 午後

Wonderful news! The Logelloù is a wonderful place, brought to life by wonderful artists and the local community!

Tj Shredder's icon

Tj Shredder

7月 13 2024 | 8:30 午後

Interesting, I will be in France in September and might just add it to my visit.

Btw. only the French forms are accessible...

Philippe OLLIVIER's icon


7月 14 2024 | 7:14 午前

Hi TJ,

We are very happy to welcome you at the Max Tides 2024 !

You will find the information page in English here :


Tj Shredder's icon

Tj Shredder

8月 28 2024 | 2:08 午後

I just subscribed to it and wonder who is going from Paris or somewhere inbetween to the venue. I will be hitchhiking and would be happy to find a lift in advance…

LLT's icon


8月 29 2024 | 7:46 午前

That's great, I'll be there too!

Philippe OLLIVIER's icon


8月 29 2024 | 12:47 午後

Thank you for your messages and for the many registrations we've already received for the Marées Max. It's going to be a joyful and friendly time around Max and we're really looking forward to it !

The full program is now available on this page:

Or here for the French version:

Of course, it is still possible to register to follow the lectures, workshops and performances.

See you soon, maybe in Brittany ;-)

Philippe Ollivier

Eric Sterling's icon

Eric Sterling

8月 30 2024 | 6:47 午後

I'd love to go, but I live in Grenoble and there doesn't seem to be any way to get there by train or bus :(

Philippe OLLIVIER's icon


8月 31 2024 | 5:12 午前

Hi Eric,

Yes, there is 2 gare stations, the closest from Penvenan is Lannion and the second one, not so far is Guingamp. So, you can take a train from Paris to Lannion or Guingamp.

We will be providing car service from these two stations as there are already many people who need to get to Logelloù. So don't hesitate to contact our team to choose the most convenient train and to request a place in a car.