mc.groove~ question

noiseandrones's icon

Hi there,

I'm building a sampler with mc.groove~.

Is there a way of accessing individual buffers with waveform~ objects?

I need to create a drone texture, but as I'm using one sample across a relatively wide range, I'm getting lots of asynchronous firing - one can hear that the loops are of different sizes.

Is there an elegant way of solving this? Could I, for instance, use lots of different samples loaded into different instances, or can mc.groove~ handle only one sample?

noiseandrones's icon

Can I bump this? Thanks in advance! :)

Ben Bracken's icon

Not totally sure what you want to do, but you can use the 'setvalue <channel> name <buffername>' message to mc.groove~ to set a specific channel's buffer~ reference. Here is an example using polybuffer~, if you are loading from disk, or you can just have a bunch of single buffer~ objects and feed their names into mc.groove~. A quick sketch:

Max Patch
Copy patch and select New From Clipboard in Max.

noiseandrones's icon

Hi Ben,

Thanks so much. The idea is to basically create drone textures using samples. I was previously using sine tones, but I'm looking for a greater diversity of sound. I think this should do the trick.

noiseandrones's icon

Seems to be working, but for some reason, some of the sounds do not seem to populate.

For example, if I give the message 'setvalue 11 0', I don't get the sound I would expect. Instead I get a different sound - is there something I have done wrong?

noiseandrones's icon

In other words - the poly buffer doesn't seem to be loading the sounds into mc.groove. Unless I am giving mc.groove the wrong message? I do apologise if this is a dumb question - I don't use mc very much (but am very much enjoying learning of its capabilities!)

Naoise NZEN7's icon

Thanks for that, I noticed though that when MC.Groove was populated with the polybuffer buffers that each were hard panned left and right? how to use MC and the original stereo information within the audio files that are loaded into the buffers and played back by mc.groove are maintained? can't find much about stereo processing the stereo information from a stereo file.

should we be indicated 16 @chans for 8 buffers because each has 2 channels? and how to make it work nicely?
